Release 6
Advanced sharing e.g
- To share a folder with members of the drive mailing list with a message:
$ drive share -emails [email protected] -message "Here is the drive code" -role=group mnt/drive
- To revoke all access to a couple of files
$ drive unshare -type=anyone mnt/drive/secret mnt/openSrc/git2go
- Listing of owners of a file during
$ drive list -owners Photos
Toggling Optical Character Recognition for uploaded files.
$ drive push -ocr log.pdf signpost.png symbols.jpg
Toggling conversion of files to their Google Docs equivalent
$ drive push -convert log.txt rest.pdf
Prevent listing of your credential files during a push or pull if the
flag is used. -
Allowing for mount-point nesting for folders and files that might not already exist locally
$ drive push -m ~/Desktop/records mnt/2014/March/Auxilliary/Concourse/Geffen
where mnt exists but 2014/March/Auxilliary/Concourse/Geffen does not exist.