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oddlama edited this page Oct 26, 2021 · 7 revisions

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Q: Can I also use Spigot or do I need PaperMC?

A: You need PaperMC. Vane makes use of some events and API only provided by Paper. If everything would get integrated into Spigot, we might retarget the plugins, to open them to a broader audience. But until that day comes, you will need PaperMC.

For vane-waterfall, you might be able to use BungeeCord instead of Waterfall, yet there will be no guarantees that this will stay.

Q: Do I need a proxy? (BungeeCord / Waterfall)

A: No. You only need a proxy if you want any of the features described under vane-waterfall above.

Q: Can I run vane alongside other plugins?

A: Yes, for the most part. Almost all 3rd party plugins should work without any issues. Where you might begin to see problems is when the other plugin also makes use of a custom resource pack, especially if it also modifies items and/or uses the custom_model_data tag in incompatible ways.

In the best case you can simply merge merge both resource packs before serving it. The worst case would be an incompatibility caused e.g. by the other plugin's registered listeners. Vane always tries to be as conservative as possible regarding these things and shouldn't cause issues in other plugins, but badly written 3rd-party plugins could theoretically break logic in vane.

Q: Is an SQL database required? (like MySQL, PostgreSQL, ...)

A: No, vane doesn't use SQL as a persistent storage, as it is simply not designed to be used on large networks with tens of thousands of players. For smaller survival servers, using an external SQL server would be a waste of resources and would require an unproportional amount of maintenance, both in the implementation and server administration.

Q: Minecraft's default commands like /tp don't work even when players are OP

A: vane-permissions radically removes all permissions from players to remove any hidden state and allow server operators to sanely manage permissions for their players. To allow certain vanilla commands simply add the required permission to the respective group in vane-permissions' config.yml. You can list all permissions by executing perm list permissions, usually they are of the form minecraft.command.<commandname>, so e.g. You can also view a list of all vanilla permissions online.

Q: Players can't build when they are not in the admin group

A: They probably are in the spawn protection area, which by default is 64 block radius around (0,0). You can adjust the radius or disable it in vane-admin/config.yml. Beginning with v1.1.3, spawn protection is disabled by default.

Q: How can I verify that the release files I downloaded are authentic and haven't been tampered with?

A: All artifacts are signed by me with my gpg key. The signature files are uploaded together with the released jars. (beginning from version v1.1.2). Example: To verify all downloaded files, import my public key and execute for i in *.jar; do gpg --verify "$i.asc" "$i"; done in the folder with the .jar and .asc files.

Q: I can't use vanilla minecraft commands as OP (Or: How do I grant all vanilla minecraft permissions when using vane-permissions)

A: Add the specific minecraft permission you desire to a group of your choice in vane-permissions/config.yml. You can view all available permissions with perm list permissions. To grant every minecraft permissions, you can add the permission minecraft. For craftbukkit specific commands you can use craftbukkit.


    # [...]
    - minecraft.command.give # Only allow usage of the /give command
    # [...]
    - minecraft.command # Allow access to every minecraft vanilla command
    - minecraft # Allow access to every minecraft vanilla command and utilities (commandblocks, ...)

Q: How do I modify a certain message in a specific language file?

A: Do NOT edit a file like lang-en.yml directly. It may be overwritten in any future update. Instead do the following:

  1. Copy the language file you want to customize, and name it so it comes afterwards in a lexicographical order (e.g. lang-en.yml -> lang-zzz-en.yml)
  2. Change the messages of your choice in the new file, but do NOT change resource_pack_lang_code.
  3. Regenerate the resource pack