Welcome to X-Health! This project was made by daviebatista and H1g0rw for the second edition of OneBitCode's Hackathons.
This project's goal is to build a website for a gym, based on an authoral Figma wireframe made by the project's team.
The project is based on a Single-Page-Application/SPA for the gym's services. It uses Angular-Router for better performance and usage of the website's potential.
- Page transitions: The application contains transitions between the routes, in a way of turning its usage smoothier;
- Register and Login: The sign section contains a button that changes between login and register forms. Both of them are 100% functional, with verifications for the inputs and its values;
- Responsivity: The project has responsive design on the entire application. Its elements have a progressive pattern to the different breakpoints;
- Routing: The application uses Angular Router for its alternate pages.