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Developer notes

Tom Clark edited this page Jan 7, 2020 · 1 revision

Developer notes

You don't need to pay attention to this unless you plan to develop Twined.


  • Please raise an issue on the board (or add your $0.02 to an existing issue) so the maintainers know what's happening and can advise / steer you.

  • Create a fork of twined, undertake your changes on a new branch (call it whatever you want).

  • Ask the twined maintainers where to make your pull request. We'll create a version branch, according to the roadmap, into which you can make your PR. We'll help review the changes and improve the PR.

  • Once checks have passed, test coverage of the new code is >=95%, documentation is updated and the Review is passed, we'll merge into the version branch.

  • Once all the roadmapped features for that version are done, we'll release.

Release process

The process for creating a new release is as follows:

  1. Check out a branch for the next version, called vX.Y.Z
  2. Create a Pull Request into the master branch.
  3. Undertake your changes, committing and pushing to branch vX.Y.Z
  4. Ensure that documentation is updated to match changes, and increment the changelog. Pull requests which do not update documentation will be refused.
  5. Ensure that test coverage is sufficient. Pull requests that decrease test coverage will be refused.
  6. Ensure code meets style guidelines (flake8 tests will fail otherwise)
  7. Address Review Comments on the PR
  8. Ensure the version in is correct and matches the branch version.
  9. Merge to master. Successful test, doc build, flake8 and a new version number will automatically create the release on pypi.
  10. Go to code > releases and create a new release on GitHub at the same SHA.

Building documents locally

You don't need to do this unless you plan to develop Twined.

Install doxgen. On a mac, that's brew install doxygen; other systems may differ.

Install sphinx and other requirements for building the docs:

pip install -r docs/requirements.txt

Run the build process:

sphinx-build -b html docs/source docs/build
Clone this wiki locally