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polytypic committed Jan 25, 2024
1 parent 2af6d68 commit 5e88e54
Showing 1 changed file with 53 additions and 80 deletions.
133 changes: 53 additions & 80 deletions src/kcas_data/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,57 +1,40 @@
open Kcas

let unique = ref ()
let null () = Obj.magic unique

module Elems = struct
type 'a t = { value : 'a; tl : 'a t; length : int }

let rec empty = { value = null (); tl = empty; length = 0 }
let rec empty = { value = Obj.magic (); tl = empty; length = 0 }
let[@inline] length t = t.length lxor (t.length asr (Sys.int_size - 1))

let rec rev_append length t tl =
if length = 0 then tl
else rev_append (length - 1) { value = t.value; tl; length }

let tl_safe t = if -2 <= t.length then else t
let rec head i t = if i = -2 then t.value else head (i + 1)
let[@inline] head t = if t.length < 0 then head t.length t else t.value

let[@inline] tl res t =
let length = t.length in
if -2 <= length then begin
if length <> 0 then res := t.value;
let[@inline] tl t =
if -2 <= t.length then
let length = lnot length in
let t =
rev_append (length - 1) { value = t.value; tl = empty; length }
res := t.value;

let peek res t =
let length = t.length in
if -2 <= length then begin
if length <> 0 then res := t.value;
let length = lnot t.length - 1 in
rev_append (length - 1) { value = t.value; tl = empty; length }

let[@inline] peek t =
if -2 <= t.length then t
let length = lnot length in
let t =
rev_append (length - 1) { value = t.value; tl = empty; length }
res := t.value;
let length = lnot t.length in
rev_append (length - 1) { value = t.value; tl = empty; length }

let rec prepend_to_seq t tl =
(* TODO: handle reverse! *)
if t == empty then tl
else fun () -> Seq.Cons (t.value, prepend_to_seq tl)

module Back = struct
type 'a t = { length : int; front : 'a; elems : 'a Elems.t }

let empty = { length = -1; front = null (); elems = Elems.empty }
let empty = { length = -1; front = Obj.magic (); elems = Elems.empty }
let[@inline] length t = lnot t.length

let[@inline] snoc x t =
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -81,14 +64,14 @@ module Back = struct
Elems.prepend_to_seq t tl ()
if t.length <= -2 then Seq.cons t.front tl else tl
if t.length <= -2 then fun () -> Seq.Cons (t.front, tl) else tl

type 'a t = { front : 'a Elems.t Loc.t; back : 'a Back.t Loc.t }

let alloc ~front ~back =
let front = Loc.make ~padded:true front
and back = Loc.make ~padded:true back in
let front = Loc.make ~padded:true front in
let back = Loc.make ~padded:true back in
Multicore_magic.copy_as_padded { front; back }

let create () = alloc ~front:Elems.empty ~back:Back.empty
Expand All @@ -109,48 +92,40 @@ module Xt = struct
let push = add

let peek_opt ~xt t =
let res = ref (null ()) in
Xt.unsafe_modify ~xt t.front @@ Elems.peek res;
let res = !res in
if res == null () then
let front = Xt.unsafe_update ~xt t.front Elems.peek in
if front.length = 0 then
let back = Xt.get ~xt t.back in
if back.length = -1 then None else Some back.front
else Some res
else Some (Elems.head front)

let peek_blocking ~xt t =
let res = ref (null ()) in
Xt.unsafe_modify ~xt t.front @@ Elems.peek res;
let res = !res in
if res == null () then
let front = Xt.unsafe_update ~xt t.front Elems.peek in
if front.length = 0 then
let back = Xt.get ~xt t.back in
if back.length = -1 then Retry.later () else back.front
else res
else Elems.head front

let take_opt ~xt t =
let res = ref (null ()) in
Xt.unsafe_modify ~xt t.front @@ res;
let res = !res in
if res == null () then
let front = Xt.unsafe_update ~xt t.front in
if front.length = 0 then
let back = ~xt t.back Back.empty in
if back.length = -1 then None
else begin
Xt.set ~xt t.front back.elems;
if back.length <> -2 then Xt.set ~xt t.front back.elems;
Some back.front
else Some res
else Some (Elems.head front)

let take_blocking ~xt t =
let res = ref (null ()) in
Xt.unsafe_modify ~xt t.front @@ res;
let res = !res in
if res == null () then
let front = Xt.unsafe_update ~xt t.front in
if front.length = 0 then
let back = ~xt t.back Back.empty in
if back.length = -1 then Retry.later ()
else begin
Xt.set ~xt t.front back.elems;
if back.length <> -2 then Xt.set ~xt t.front back.elems;
else res
else Elems.head front

let clear ~xt t =
Xt.set ~xt t.front Elems.empty;
Expand All @@ -176,8 +151,8 @@ module Xt = struct
seq_of ~front ~back

let is_empty q = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.is_empty q }
let length q = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.length q }
let is_empty t = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.is_empty t }
let length t = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.length t }

let add x t =
(* Fenceless is safe as we always update. *)
Expand All @@ -187,40 +162,38 @@ let push = add

let take_opt t =
(* Fenceless is safe as we revert to a transaction in case we didn't update. *)
let front = Loc.fenceless_update t.front Elems.tl_safe in
let length = front.length in
if 0 < length || length = -2 then Some front.value
else Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.take_opt t }
let front = Loc.fenceless_update t.front in
if front.length = 0 then Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.take_opt t }
else Some (Elems.head front)

let take_blocking ?timeoutf t =
(* Fenceless is safe as we revert to a transaction in case we didn't update. *)
let front = Loc.fenceless_update t.front Elems.tl_safe in
let length = front.length in
if 0 < length || length = -2 then front.value
else Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.take_blocking t }
let front = Loc.fenceless_update t.front in
if front.length = 0 then Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.take_blocking t }
else Elems.head front

let peek_opt t =
let front = Loc.get t.front in
let length = front.length in
if 0 < length || length = -2 then Some front.value
else Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.peek_opt t }
(* Fenceless is safe as we revert to a transaction in case we didn't update. *)
let front = Loc.fenceless_update t.front Elems.peek in
if front.length = 0 then Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.peek_opt t }
else Some (Elems.head front)

let peek_blocking ?timeoutf t =
let front = Loc.get t.front in
let length = front.length in
if 0 < length || length = -2 then front.value
else Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.peek_blocking t }
(* Fenceless is safe as we revert to a transaction in case we didn't update. *)
let front = Loc.fenceless_update t.front Elems.peek in
if front.length = 0 then Kcas.Xt.commit ?timeoutf { tx = Xt.peek_blocking t }
else Elems.head front

let take_all q = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.take_all q }
let take_all t = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.take_all t }
let clear t = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.clear t }
let swap t1 t2 = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.swap t1 t2 }
let to_seq q = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.to_seq q }
let iter f q = Seq.iter f @@ to_seq q
let fold f a q = Seq.fold_left f a @@ to_seq q
let to_seq t = Kcas.Xt.commit { tx = Xt.to_seq t }
let iter f t = Seq.iter f @@ to_seq t
let fold f a t = Seq.fold_left f a @@ to_seq t

exception Empty

let[@inline] of_option = function None -> raise Empty | Some value -> value
let peek s = peek_opt s |> of_option
let peek t = peek_opt t |> of_option
let top = peek
let take s = take_opt s |> of_option
let take t = take_opt t |> of_option

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