A POC of a NFT-Store where one can mint NFT's and then sell them by creating dutch auctions. The app consists of three pages:
- A main page where one can search for NFT's and mint them
- An auctions page where all currently running auctions are listed
- An inventory page where all numbers owned by the current user are listed
# install dependencies
$ npm install
# deploy contracts
# (make sure to first fire up ganache and to change the 'from' account in 'truffle.js')
$ truffle migrate --reset --network ganache
# start app
$ npm run dev
(The app is configured to check for a private Ganache network)
- EIP-721
- Developing for Ethereum: Getting Started with Ganache
- maksimivanov gradient-coin-tutorial-part-2
- Dutch auction
Minting does not work
- Solution:
Minting is currently only allowed by the owner of the NFT contract.
Check that the address from which the contracts were deployed matches the
address from which one calls
Attempting to run transaction which calls a contract function, but recipient address 0x... is not a contract address
- Solution:
files inbuild/contracts/
and redeploy contracts
Nonce of account is not correct
- Solution:
Go to MetaMask -> Settings -> scroll to the bottom -> select
Reset Account
reverts/out of gas
- Solution: Use more gas ;-)
- add discoverability for auctions to NFTDutchAuction.sol (see: NFTokenEnumerable.sol
function tokenOfOwnerByIndex(address _owner, uint256 _index)
) - add possibility to cancel auctions
- reduce gas cost of NFTDutchAuction.sol functions
- rework search for numbers: add steps, show min and max, etc.
- add tests
- add notifications
- inventory: when calling getOwnedNFT() do not loop over 0 -> display message "currently no NFT's owned"
- unify used time units (currently hours and minutes)