TODO: docs
create a venv
or a conda environment to avoid coflicts, Then
cd quran-transcript
python -m pip install -r ./
To start server:
python -m uvicorn server:app --port 900
To start streamlit
python -m streamlit run streamlit_app
Merging Uthmani Quran and Imlaye Quran scipts of tanzil into a single scipt (".xml" and ".json")
- Uthmanic: without (pause marks, sajda signs, hizb signs)
- Imlaey: without (pause marks, sajda signs, hizb signs and tatweel sign) Usage:
usage: Merge Uthmani and Imlaey Script into a single scipt [-h] [--uthmani-file UTHMANI_FILE] [--imlaey-file IMLAEY_FILE] [--output-file OUTPUT_FILE]
-h, --help show this help message and exit
--uthmani-file UTHMANI_FILE
The path to the input file "file.xml"
--imlaey-file IMLAEY_FILE
The path to the input file "file.xml"
--output-file OUTPUT_FILE
The path to the output file either ".json" or ".xml"
Example within the repo (json):
python --uthmani-file quran-script/quran-uthmani-without-pause-sajda-hizb-marks.xml --imlaey-file quran-script/quran-simple-imlaey-without-puase-sajda-hizb-marks-and-tatweel.xml --output-file quran-script/quran-uthmani-imlaey.json
Example within the repo (json):
python --uthmani-file quran-script/quran-uthmani-without-pause-sajda-hizb-marks.xml --imlaey-file quran-script/quran-simple-imlaey-without-puase-sajda-hizb-marks-and-tatweel.xml --output-file quran-script/quran-uthmani-imlaey.xml
docs - adding tests
- CI/CD with github