Releases: ob-f/OpenBot
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.7.1.
OpenBot Playground (block-based coding web app)
You can directly access the OpenBot Playground from your browser. You can watch this playlist on YouTube to get started.

- React Blockly by @nitishpratap18 in #344
- Ios blockly updates by @hardikgarg02 in #393
- Android-blockly-updates by @hardikgarg02 in #394
New Features
- Adding Flutter controller for Both Android and iOS, with video feed using WebRTC by @sparsh3dwe in #328
- Remote web server for teleoperation of OpenBot robots by @sparsh3dwe in #369
- Mirror the target control of ObjectNavFragment if front facing camera is used by @yijunwu in #386
- Support connection between robot phone and controller phone using one of them as Wifi AP by @yijunwu in #388
- Connection between robot phone and controller phone using either of them as wifi AP in IOS by @hardikgarg02 in #434
- python controller connection with robot app by @sparsh3dwe in #376
- Tflite files are not uploading in Model Management on Android Devices by @sparsh3dwe in #373
- landscape orientation in object tracking and updated sign-in fingerprints by @isha382 in #449
- gradle build and lint for android by @isha382 in #451
- tflite files not visible in model manager by @isha382 in #454
- null pointer exception in autopilot and object navigation fragment by @isha382 in #460
- wrong right rpm on the OLED display by @tbellembois in #479
- USB Serial Depreciation error by @isha382 in #462
- Fix link in readme by @sparsh3dwe in #374
- OpenBot Node.js controller tested on Windows by @M-S-10 in #395
- Automatically create models folder in OpenBot Driving Policy Trainer by @M-S-10 in #403
- Automatic code review by @thias15 in #415 and #422
- Automatic translation by @thias15 in #417 and #420
- Add German README by @thias15 in #421
- Add Chinese README by @thias15 in #425 and #426
- Add French README by @thias15 in #427
- Add Spanish README by @thias15 in #430
- Add Korean README by @apwlq in #463
- Create by @thias15 in #429
- Add missing translations by @thias15 in #444
- Update firmware README by @hexs00si in #433
- Update repo name by @thias15 in #487
- Update pillow requirement from ~=8.3.1 to ~=10.3.0 in /policy in the pip group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #409
- Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 16 updates by @dependabot in #416
- Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 1 directory with 15 updates by @dependabot in #435
- Bump the npm_and_yarn group across 3 directories with 26 updates by @dependabot in #441
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 2 to 6 in /.github/workflows in the github_actions group across 1 directory by @dependabot in #465
- Add test for nodejs-server by @thias15 in #477
New Contributors
- @yijunwu made their first contribution in #386
- @M-S-10 made their first contribution in #395
- @github-actions made their first contribution in #421
- @hardikgarg02 made their first contribution in #394
- @hexs00si made their first contribution in #433
- @isha382 made their first contribution in #451
- @apwlq made their first contribution in #463
- @tbellembois made their first contribution in #479
Full Changelog: v0.7.1...v0.8.0
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.7.0.
Full Changelog: v0.7.0...v0.7.1
Robot App
- Minor UI changes to Android app by @thias15 in #360
- Adjust iOS UI to be more consistent with Android UI by @quentin-leboutet in #361
Node.js Controller
- Node.js Web controller client UI improvements by @Coder-Lars in #359
Policy learning
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.6.2.
Full Changelog: v0.6.2...v0.7.0
Robot App
- Add BLE support + DPAD support by @sparsh3dwe in #330
- Fix speedMode during inference by @thias15 in #343
- Update UI order and colors by @thias15 in #349
- New iOS version of the app by @sparsh3dwe in #329
Robot Body
- New DIY body with extra space and lego support by @Christos-Ps in #348
- Add BLE support by @sparsh3dwe in #330
- Add support for RTR_TT2 by @thias15 in #356
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.6.1.
Full Changelog: v0.6.1...v0.6.2
Robot App
- Upgrade Android API from 29 to 32. by @sparsh3dwe in #333
- Remember CAMERA_SWITCH setting across app screens by @reger24 in #338
- Adjust robot speed based on distance to the tracked object by @reger24 in #311
Policy training
- Fix dataloader and dependencies by @thias15 in #337
- Control and inference via Python for Linux compute boards, e.g. Upboard by @Yunaik in #323
- Bump json5 from 1.0.1 to 1.0.2 in /policy/frontend by @dependabot in #326
- Bump express from 4.17.1 to 4.18.2 in /policy/frontend by @dependabot in #316
- Bump ua-parser-js from 0.7.23 to 0.7.33 in /policy/frontend by @dependabot in #331
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.6.0.
Full Changelog: v0.6.0...v0.6.1
Robot App
- Use R1 button to discard logging by @thias15 in #291
- New vehicle screen by @thias15 in #296
- Integrate object detector Yolov5 by @thias15 in #309
- Add efficientDet models by @thias15 in #317
- Remove redundant code for getScreenOrientation by @reger24 in #318
Documentation & CI
- OS independent call to applyStyle by @reger24 in #313
- Update badges by @thias15 in #319
- App ReadMe: add animations and refine text by @thias15 in #321
Policy training
- Add point goal nav training by @quentin-leboutet in #314
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.5.0.
Full Changelog: v0.5.0...v0.6.0
New Platforms
- Multi-Terrain Vehicle (MTV) by @quentin-leboutet in #278
- Ready-to-Run OpenBot by @thias15 in #285
Android Apps
Robot App
- Update dependencies by @thias15 in #229
- Improve tflite error handling by @thias15 in #264
- Object nav benchmarking by @thias15 in #267
- Update gradle.yml by @thias15 in #282
- Check if stream output sizes exist to avoid app crash by @thias15 in #280
- Point-goal navigation by @dvdhfnr in #251
- Update collision thresholds by @thias15 in #265
- Integrate OpenBot Lite into firmware by @thias15 and William Tan in #266
- Firmware fix for coast_mode by @quentin-leboutet in #271
- Firmware support for RTR_520 with ESP32 by @thias15 in #272
Documentation & CI
- Update readme to include micro:bit variant by @thias15 and William Tan in #269
- Update gradle files for app versioning by @thias15 in #263
- Fix link errors by @zhoushengming in #277
Policy Learning
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.4.0.
Full Changelog: v0.4.0...v0.5.0
Android Apps
- When a model is deleted in the model management screen, restore download option if available instead of removing it from model management list by @dhruv2295 in #227
- Support new firmware features and message protocol by @thias15 in #250
- Functions to parse config message from robot by @thias15 in #253
- Refactor game controller and add test by @thias15 in #257 and #261
- Update gradle files for app versioning by @thias15 in #263
- Remove RTSP (WebRTC is superior in every way) by @izivkov in #245
- Improve stability when controller app is restarted by @izivkov in #247
- Button to switch the camera used on the robot by @izivkov in #249
NodeJS controller
- Robot can be tele-operated from the browser with live WebRTC video feed using the new NodeJS controller by @izivkov in #240
- Improve stability (reload, close and open page without needing to restart the robot app or the NodeJS server by @izivkov in #247
- Button to switch the camera used on the robot by @izivkov in #249
- Tweak robot control by @thias15 in #260
- Major refactor, support for new robot types (RTR and RC car) by @thias15 in #250
- Config message by @thias15 in #253
- Improve no-phone mode by @thias15 in #256
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.3.2.
Full Changelog: v0.3.2...v0.4.0
Android Apps
- WebRTC support for communication with the smartphone controller with much lower latency, thanks @izivkov for #192
- Add sensor selection menu to logger fragment, thanks @dhruv2295 for #202 and #228
- Settings menu to choose between WebRTC (only controller app) and RTSP, thanks @dhruv2295 for #203
- Fix app crash in object tracking fragment (Android 6), thanks @MohammedZ666 for #210 and #212
- Dropdown to choose from available local web servers in logger fragment and autopilot fragment, thanks @sanyatuning for #214
- WebRTC support and new features (mirror video feed and turn audio on/off), thanks @izivkov for #192
- New option for intuitive robot control (throttle/brake with on-screen pedals and steering by tilting the phone), thanks @izivkov for #205
Web Interface
- Add support for multiple connections between robots and local servers in the same network, thanks @sanyatuning for #214
Policy Training
- Add weights & biases option to monitor training + some refactoring, thanks @sanyatuning for #214
- Simplify image loading, thanks @dvdhfnr for #218
- Create and use tf-records for training + unification of training code (notebook, terminal, web interface) + update to tensorflow version 2.5, thanks @marcelsan for #204
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.3.1.
Full Changelog: v0.3.1...v0.3.2
Android Apps
- Split the AI screen into two separate screens, one for running object tracking and one for running autopilot models. Object detectors can now track all 80 object classes from the COCO dataset. Thanks @dhruv2295 for #179.
- Refactor AI model definitions, #183
- Refactor code to move common functions to util classes, #184
- Improve stability of RTSP video stream, thanks @izivkov for #185
- Bugfixes, thanks @dhruv2295 for #198
- New model management screen that allows downloading more AI models, renaming/deleting model on phone and adding models from phone storage, thanks @dhruv for #188
- Add permission handling to settings screen, thanks @dhruv for #199
The app has the following known issues:
- Incorrect mapping of common BT game controllers (e.g. Xbox, PS4, Nvidia Shield, etc.) may occur on Android versions before Pie (9.0), see this article for more info. On the bright side, Android 11 supports many more controllers, see this article for more infos. Also, you can now use the button mapping screen to check what the app receives from your controller.
- Update app documentation, #200
The following summarizes the changes compared to the previous release v0.3.0.
Full Changelog: v0.3.0...v0.3.1
Android Apps
- Add file picker to model drop-down --> choose trained autopilot models from phone storage, thanks @dhruv2295 for #172
- Add Yolo-v4-tiny object detector, #174
- Development of a new screen for checking the button mapping of the BT controller, thanks @dhruv2295 for #175
- Fix navigation of AI fragment and add missing control handling, add audio effects for drive and speed modes, #180
The app has the following known issues:
- Incorrect mapping of common BT game controllers (e.g. Xbox, PS4, Nvidia Shield, etc.) may occur on Android versions before Pie (9.0), see this article for more info. On the bright side, Android 11 supports many more controllers, see this article for more infos. Also, you can now use the button mapping screen to check what the app receives from your controller.
- Reduce apk size of controller app, thanks @izivkov for #171
- New keyboard controller --> control the robot from a Python script running on a computer connected to the same network, thanks @izivkov for #173
- Added QR codes for direct download of app apks, #178