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The oVirt System Test Images

The oVirt System Test projects relies on the existence of a few QCOW images packaged as RPMS and made avaliable in a yum repository.

This project provides the scripts used to build those images.

Preparing your system for building the images

Please note that building multiple QCOW images will require a lot of resources. Be sure to have at least 100Gb of free disk space, at least 16Gb of RAM and 4 cores.

  1. Ensure you have git and required tools for building the image:

    dnf install -y git
    dnf install -y make autoconf automake rpm-build libguestfs-tools-c libvirt-client libvirt-daemon-config-network qemu-img virt-install
  2. As a normal user, clone ost-image repository

    git clone
  3. Set environment variables for configuring the build script:

    export DISTRO=el9stream

    Relevant environment variable you can use to configure the build script are:

    • DISTRO - which image to build. Defaults to el8stream.
    • BUILD_HE_INSTALLED - build appliance image. set to 0 or "" if you do not want it to be build. Not relevant for "node" distros. Defaults to 1.
    • NODE_URL_BASE - URL for ovirt-node/rhvh images - defaults to ovirt-node repo
    • CENTOS_CACHE_URL - URL we download ISOs from. If not provided the iso files must exist locally.
    • OPENSCAP_PROFILE - set a profile during installation. Defaults to xccdf_org.ssgproject.content_profile_stig on rhel8.

    If you don't set CENTOS_CACHE_URL the full installation ISO of the operating system (not the boot image, the full DVD iso) must be added within ./ost-images directory and named ${DISTRO}.iso.

  4. Run the build script:

    $ ./ost-images/ 
    Building distro el9stream
    with appliance: 1
    with node image url:
    Distro doesn't work with OpenSCAP profiles properly, ignoring
  5. At the end of the build you'll have the built RPMs in ./ost-images/rpmbuild/RPMS/x86_64