Releases: oSoc15/dcat-validator.js
DCAT validator
The code of this release has a better documentation then the previous version.
This new release has a lot of small extra's but there are two main differences.
JSON array as argument
The earlier hard-coded dcat rules in the library itself, do need to be an argument for the validate function in this release. The advantage of this feature is that other developers can tweek the rules to their needs.
Different feedback return
The return of the feedback (errors/warnings) changed from a simple error string to an object with different string of information. That way the feedback can have more functionality. For example you can only ask the URI of the class of the error or the name of the property of the error or ...
Resource of errors release (cross-browser)
The errors are listed in an error of the resource class. Which is way more convenient for user expecerience.
I've got a regex to correct an ISO 8601 datetime because Safari doesn't support ISO 8601 by default.
dcat-validator multiple same errors
This is the first version of this dcat-validator library.
Info about the installation or usage can be found in the The problem in this version is explained in issue #10.