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Quickly switch app window using alfred.

Best practices

If you won't get more, you can simply download Manico and pay for it.

  1. Full screen or not when you open a new application, I recommand you to full it for more clear.

  2. Select second option, it's helpful.

  3. Add a alfred workflow via below steps.

    1. Add a hotkey trigger, ensuring the following options:

      1. Select your hotkey.

      2. Select trigger behaviour as Pass Through ... which is a fast mode.

      3. Action Option is Pass Through to workflow.

      4. Argument is None.

    2. Add a Launch Apps/Files Action, ensuring the following options:

      1. Drop a app which you want to open from Applications Finder.
    3. Try your hot key to trigger the app.

    4. Repeat above steps, finish all app configs.


Here I provide a personal version for this flow, you can edit/del it for using.

Also the apps is very hansome, you can try it.