PseudoMF(Pseudo Management Functions) is a software which works instead of physical network elements managementsystem(EMS), path computation elements(PCE).
PseudoMF provides optical core network resources information to OCNRM, ID mapping information between OpenFlow and internal ID (as we call Information Model ID), route information for new resource creation.
Please see starting guide for detailed instructions of "Opt-transport apps of O3 orchestrator & controller suite".
Please also look at the Web page that easily explained our OSS
OS:Ubuntu 12.04.3(x64)
Memory: 1GB
Middleware: Java 7 and later, Maven2
$ cd ~
$ git clone
$ cd pseudoMF
$ bash ./
$ tar xvfz ./target/pseudoMf-1.0.0-bin.tar.gz –C ~/
You can choose your install directory instead of ~/.
$ sudo vi ~/
set OCNRM’s REST access points. For example,
$ ~/pseudoMf-1.0.0/ -s
$ ~/pseudoMf-1.0.0/ -q