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PyWeather vs. other terminal based weather programs

o355 edited this page Mar 27, 2018 · 4 revisions

"I mean I've got more data types than so ¯\(ツ)/¯"

Original comment

Please note: I'm not hating on the other projects listed here, and I respect the software that the developers listed here have made.

PyWeather jessfraz/weather ansiweather JackWink/Weather
Language Python Python/Go (based on wego) Go Shell/Roff Python
License GNU GPL v3.0 Apache 2.0 License MIT License BSD 2-clause MIT License
API used Wunderground OpenWeatherMap Wunderground
Type of program Script Web-based, can be used with curl in a terminal Library Script Library
Ease of use (scale of 1-10) 4 (somewhat easy) 1 1 5-6 (somewhat hard, argument overload causes confusion) 5 (somewhat hard, lots of arguments)
Ease of setup (additional options, etc) (scale of 1-10) 1 (very easy) 7 (hard) 3 (easy) 1 (no setup needed), can be installed through package managers) 2 (easy)
GUI Terminal-based with menu options Web page with a terminal-like GUI, and can be used in a terminal Terminal-based with a simple UI and large icons Terminal-based Terminal-based with a table for showing specific data
Data available Current info, alerts info, hourly info (10 days), forecast info (10 days), almanac info, astronomy info, historical weather info, yesterday's weather info, radar, tide info, hurricane info Current info, alerts info (assumed), forecast info (3 days), "hourly" info (3 days), moon data Current info, alerts info, forecast info (up to maximum) Current info, forecast info (5 days), "astronomy" (sun data?) info Current info, alerts info, hourly info (36 hours), forecast info (3 days)
Additional features Favorite locations, nearest city for tropical data, PWS information for WU PWSes, current location service, summary screen (current/hourly/forecast/alerts by default, can be configured with showing astronomy, almanac, tide as well), modularity & additional advanced options Can easily access information for major airports, or major locations in the URL, can use IP-addresses or domains for lookup, can use lat/lon for location, can use area code for location. Configurable view options, can view in .png, 45 supported languages. Arguments for additional weather information, disabling alerts, manual unit declaration, manual geocoding server, and for specific days of weather to retrieive. Arguments for manually defining showing wind, humidity, pressure, and daylight data. Can be used. Has an advanced configuration file for tweaking lots of options. Nice table based GUI, argument-based for selecting exactly which weather data you want, library based (no entering python into command line)
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