Releases: o355/PIPupdate
PIPupdate 1.1.0 (for Python 3)
You thought PIPupdate was abandoned? Nope! Life got busy, and I managed to get 30 minutes to make some improvements to PIPupdate.
This release includes the following improvements:
- Added a catch when an update fails, so PIPupdate will clearly show a failed update.
- PIPupdate no longer requires subprocess (using pip.main to execute update commands)
- PIPinstall can catch a failed download of the PIP installer file, and allows the user to manually download the installer file instead.
- Minor UI changes.
- Updated copyright.
Thanks for your continued support.
PIPupdate 1.0.1 (for Python 3)
Here it is, folks! I've been a bit under the weather lately, but that doesn't stop me from working on PIPupdate. Here's the changelog for 1.0.1!
- Introduces handling of non-Python 3 runs (across all scripts)
- Introduces a no-color version of PIPupdate for those not wanting to install Colorama
- Spaced out the code so it looks better, and removed most comments for now
- Redid the setup.txt file in the provided ZIPs
- Other small formatting/style changes
_Linux-specific install directions using a command prompt:_
- Instead of using Git Clone, use
- Make a pipupdate directory using
mkdir pipupdate
- Unzip pipupdate by using
unzip -d pipupdate
Thank you for the continued support of PIPupdate!
PIPupdate version 1.0 (for Python 3)
Here it is! PIPupdate 1.0! 1.0 adds some cool new features, so let's go over them.
- Adds support for COLORS (through Colorama). It'll denote where PIPupdate output over normal output, and can automatically install Colorama for you. A colorless version of PIPupdate will come in 1.0.1.
- Adds the ability for PIPupdate to install PIP automatically (if you didn't have it before)
- Minor styling changes while PIPupdate is in progress
- Ditches the setup.txt file in the release zip, and adds the README/CHANGELOG markdown files, along with the license.
_Linux-specific install directions using a command prompt:_
- Instead of using Git Clone, use
- Make a pipupdate directory using
mkdir pipupdate
- Unzip pipupdate by using
unzip -d pipupdate
Thanks for the support so far, and to everyone who came from Reddit! As always, remember to report issues, and suggest things for PIPupdate! Pull requests for extra features are always welcome!
PIPupdate version 0.9 (for Python 3)
This is it, the initial release! Fully tested and ready to rumble.
More features will be coming in the future, like Python 2 compatibility, and arguments for other functions (like force-reinstalling, and removing all packages (but pip, of course), and an exe version.
For now, enjoy what I've made :)
(but this is pre-release, for now. 1.0 = arguments in the command line.)