- user, article, read model object.
- using redis to cache query result. first query redis
- /api/user POST {'id': 'u25', 'name': 'user25'}, return user data
- /api/readlist POST {'userid': '25'}, return articles which the user have read.
- /api/add_read POST
- /api/agree POST
- /api/share POST
- /api/comment POST
- /api/top5articles POST
We use mongodb aggregate pipeline to populate the BeRead table.
BeRead table is sharded using 'category' field. According to mongodb manual, when merging the aggregate result in to a sharded table using $merge
, the $on
field should contain shard keys, and the output collection should have index on fields contained in $on
- database config example:
sh.enableSharding("db"); // Sharding must be enabled in the database
"db.beread", // Namespace of the collection to shard
{ category: 1 } // Shard key
db.beread.createIndex( { aid: 1, category: 1 }, { unique: true } )
server is also deployed on docker.
use docker network ls
to check existing docker networks. In following output,
docker-hadoop_default is the network used by hdfs.
we should use docker run -itd --network=docker-hadoop_default <image_name>
to create a new
container which share network with hdfs, so that the server can communicate with hdfs using webhdfs api.
64c51ff0f82e bridge bridge local
9d76c7e9175d docker-hadoop_default bridge local
9b1933529b38 host host local
3438f49b4383 none null local
- copy files to name node of hadoop
- at name node
hadoop fs -put <local_data_folder> <HDFS directory>
hadoop fs -put articles /articles
we also deploy koa server on docker. we use docker image node:14.15. when running the image, it should be
added to the network of hdfs using --network=docker-hadoop_default
. the server expose 9933 port to provide
restful api.
docker run -itd --network=docker-hadoop_default --name=server0 -p node:14.15
in order to connect server with redis, we need:
docker network connect docker-hadoop_default myredis
- docker run -itd --network=mongo_network --name=shard1 mongo:latest
- docker run -itd --network=mongo_network --name=shard2 mongo:latest
- docker run -itd --network=mongo_network --name=confsvr mongo:latest
- docker run -itd --network=mongo_network --name=router mongo:latest