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How DinuBot pairs people together DinuBot Pairing Diagram

Getting started

Note: If you schedule a message, the message will still be sent after you turn off the bot. This is because Slack remembers it

Running locally (dev)

yarn install
node index.js

Remember to set up .env and service_account.json.


Make sure you have docker and docker-compose installed. Put docker-compose.yml, service_account.json, and .env in the same directory. Navigate to that directory and run:

sudo docker pull lsha0730/docker
sudo docker compose up -d

Dinubot will run in the background. Add a --build flag to the end if the directory the docker-compose.yml file is in also has the project files and you want to re-build the image locally Check to see if its running with sudo docker ps

Spin it down with sudo docker compose down


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