Releases: nutso/redmine-plugin-recurring-tasks
Releases · nutso/redmine-plugin-recurring-tasks
v1.6.0: configurable settings
v1.5.0: Redmine 2.x and 3.x simultaneous support
- Backwards-compatibility to Redmine 2.2 by testing if issue.closed_on? method exists (#49)
- Better documentation of plugin permissions
- Reversible migrations so can uninstall fully (#53)
- Highlighting to user that adding recurrence via issues page is the best way (#52)
- Stable support for both Redmine 2.x and Redmine 3.x (#71); (#67) and (#69)
v1.4.0: Recur on day x of every n months + updated French translation file
- French translation updated by @fidergo-stephane-gourichon (#46)
- Recur on day x of every n months (#26) -- contributed by @cryptogopher (#41)
v1.3.0: New translations, backwards compatibility, and deleted issues
v1.2.9: Done Ratio and updated Translation
- Set done_ratio to zero for recurred issues (#26)
- Updated German translation file from @skolarianer (#27)
v.1.2.8: rails backward compatibility
- Using validates_presence_of instead of validates :x, presence: true for backward Rails compatibility (#20)
- Using validates_inclusion_of and validates_numericality_of instead of stand-alone validates for backward Rails compatibility (#20)
- Creating a new recurrence sets interval_unit properly from localized name
v1.2.7: changed to older ruby/rails syntax
- Changed to more traditional :through => :issue instead of through: :issue to resolve incompatibility with Redmine Stable 2.4 (#20)
v.1.2.6: Localized menus and interval units
Resolved Issues:
- After deleting an issue that still has a recurrence, recurrence views generate errors
- Menu captions not localized (#21)
- Changing the interval_day, interval_week, interval_month, or interval_year strings in the locale file, or changing locales, after adding recurrences generates an error
v1.2.5: bug fix and german translation contributed
- resolved nil reference for fixed schedule recurrences with no due date (#16)
- includes german translation contributed by @skolarianer