This app was derived from from fas-ondemand-rstudio which itself was derived frombc_osc_rstudio_server, a template kindly provided by the OSC OpenOnDemand Team.
It launches a Rstudio server within a batch job.
Singularity is required as the software will be run as a singularity container.
The main branch of this repo is automatically deployed by puppet to /var/www/ood/apps/sys/ on the ondemand nodes.
To make changes in a development environment, login to OnDemand and start a shell session and then follow these instructions:
# create the development folder if you still not have one
mkdir -pv $HOME/ondemand/dev/
cd $HOME/ondemand/dev/
# clone the repository in a subfolder for your version of the app
git clone
# Change the working directory to this new directory
cd quest_ood_rstudio_server
Once that's done, you can run your version of the app from the sandbox control panel under the dev menu on the ondemand dashboard.
See also: