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DannoHung edited this page Sep 13, 2010 · 6 revisions

Expectations are where the majority of the tests will actually be coded and where assertions live. There are two distinct expectation types available: should and holds. These are vanilla and “fuzz” expectations respectively.

Before and after an expectation is executed, any defined @before@ and @after@ functions are executed.


The should function takes two arguments, a description of the property that the test is expecting to be true and a function where the test is actually executed. If an error escapes the function argument during the execution of the test, the test will fail. If an assertion fails, then the test will fail.

.tst.desc["The Fuzz Generator"]{
 should["return a list of fuzz values of the given type provided a symbol"]{
  type[.tst.pickFuzz[`symbol;1]] musteq 11h;
  type[.tst.pickFuzz[`int;100]] musteq 6h; 
  type[.tst.pickFuzz[`time;10]] musteq 19h;


The holds function takes three arguments, a description of the property that the test is expecting to be true, an options dictionary, and a function which takes one argument, which will the be the random value to run the test with. This type of expectation is called a “fuzz test”; the idea being that you send fuzzy values into your test and ensure that it doesn’t choke on unaccounted for edge cases.

The options parameter takes the following options:


vars is an option specifying which type of random value should be provided to the test function. The default value is to provide a random integer.

vars accepts many different values including custom functions to generate your own random data if the available generators are unacceptable.

Form Effect Example
`type Generate runs number of type values `symbol
{…} Run provided function runs number of times {5}
atom runs?atom 20
(atom1_;_atom2;…) Select runs elements randomly from provided list (`a;“a”;97)
`type$() Generate runs number of lists of random length of type values (max list length is 100) `symbol$()
`type_$N_#typed-null Generate runs number of lists of length less than or equal to N of type_values 20#`
`type_$N_#type-value Generate runs number of lists of lenght less than or equal to N with value generated by type-value 20#`3
typed-list runs?typed-list `abc`def`ghi
`key1_`key2_`…!(generator;generator;…) For each element of the dictionary, use the corresponding generator to create random data for the test `a`b!(10;200#0N)

The default max list length for the `type$() form can be changed by setting .tst.fuzzListMaxLength

The different types recognized for `type forms and their corresponding defaults for random generation:

Type Random Generator Value
boolean 0b
byte 0×0
short 0h
int 0
long 0j
real 10000e
float 1000000f
char " "
symbol `7
month 2000.01m
date 2000.01.01
datetime The current year at December 31st, 11:59:59.999, e.g.: 2009.12.31T11:59:59.999
minute 00:00
second 00:00:00
time 00:00:00.000

You can access the default values, their symbolic type names, and short type codes in the following variables:

Variable Description
.tst.typeNames Symbolic type names: i.e: `boolean, `byte, etc …
.tst.typeCodes Short type codes: i.e: 1h, 4h, etc …
.tst.typeDefaults Type default values: i.e: 0b, 0×0, etc …
.tst.typeFuzzN A dictionary from the symbolic type names to the defaults
.tst.typeFuzzC A dictionary from the short type codes to the defaults


runs is an integer option specifying the number of times to run a particular fuzz test. The default value is 100.


maxFailRate is a floating point value between the values of 0 and 1. This option specifies what proportion of the fuzz tests are allowed to fail and still have the fuzz test pass. The default value is 0. It is not recommended that this option be changed unless you are placing a property under test where processing failures are expected and acceptable. Some examples of this might be soft real-time systems where process abortions due to run-time constraints are expected in some cases or multi-processing code where communication against peers is sometimes expected to fail.

.tst.desc["Logging Messages"]{
 holds["can display lists of random objects";((),`vars)!(),{1?'20?.tst.typeDefaults}]{
  mustnotthrow[();{[x;y] x}[x]];

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