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This package is a plugin for DApps on Flow blockchain that already use FCL. It enables users to log in in through popular social login providers such as Google, Facebook, Discord and others. With a couple of lines of code, allow your users to onboard more easily through social login of their choice and keep your FCL integration untouched. A "Kitty Items" demo app using this lib is deployed at and here you can find more about Web3Auth, the service powering this package.

Walletless FCL 1mb


  1. An existing project using FCL authentication
  2. Create a web3auth account (currently, there's a free plan available) and set up a Plug n Play project there. Choose your project name, pick environment (network parameter), for "Chain" select "Any other chain". You will get a client id specific your application. More info in Web3Auth docs


npm install @nufi/fcl-web3auth-plugin


yarn add @nufi/fcl-web3auth-plugin

API Reference

init(args: InitArgs): void

Initialize the package with the specified arguments. This method in the background initialized the Web3Auth integration with the Plug n Play project. It will perform the user login through the OpenLogin adapter. More info can be found in Web3Auth docs

  • clientId: The client ID for authentication. Create a web3auth account (it's free) and create a project. Choose your project name, pick environment (network parameter), for "Chain" select "Any other chain". You will get a client id specific your application.
  • network: The Web3AuthNetwork to connect to (mainnet, testnet, or any other Web3Auth network, not to be confused with Flow blockchain mainnet/testnet!)
  • mfaLevel (optional): The MFA (Multi-Factor Authentication) level. Default: 'none'.
  • uxMode (optional): The UX (User Experience) mode. Default: 'popup'.

NOTE: call this function basically as soon as possible, ideally in a useEffect or somewhere else when the window object is available


export default function MyApp() {
  useEffect(() => {
      clientId: 'your_key'
      networkType: 'testnet',
  }, [])
  return <App />

auth(args?: AuthArgs): Promise<void>

Authenticate the user.

  • args (optional): An object specifying the authentication arguments.
    • If args contains a loginProviderWhiteList property, the user will be shown a login modal with the specified login providers (ordered the same as in the passed array).
    • If args are undefined, the user will be shown a login modal with all login options.


In case you want to use the default UI

import {auth} from 'fcl-web3auth-plugin'
  <button onClick={() => auth()}>
    Log in

authWithProvider(loginProvider: Web3AuthLoginProvider): Promise<void>

Authenticate the user with the selected login provider.

  • user will be authenticated using the specified Web3AuthLoginProvider.

In case you want to use your own UI

import {auth, loginProviders} from 'fcl-web3auth-plugin'
  {{loginProvider, name}) => {
    return (
      <button onClick={() => auth(loginProvider)}>

loginProviders: Web3AuthLoginProvider[]

An array of available login providers. Handy if you want to have your own UI for the login options or if you want display more info about them.

setCallbacks(callbacks: Partial<WalletActionsCallbacks>): void

Configure the package with the specified callbacks.

  • callbacks: An object containing partial implementations of the WalletActionsCallbacks interface.
  • This callbacks allow you to call you own actions instead of the default ones:
    • when an account is being created, (which might take a while and for this reason a default loading overlay is provided)
    • when signing transactions

NOTE: calling setCallbacks is optional, in case you are fine with using the default UI you do not need to call it


If you want to disable confirm popup

import {setCallbacks} from 'fcl-web3auth-plugin'
  confirmSign: (onSign) => {
    return onSign()

experimentalLinkAccount(args: LinkAccountArgs): Promise<string>

Experimental feature, not production ready, waiting for the official standard for hybrid custody to be finalized

  • submits two transaction, first a child account (Web3Auth account) publishes its auth account capability to the parent address, then the parent (a regular wallet like NuFi, Lilico) submits a transaction claiming the capability

Key derivation

The keys are derived according to FLIP-200

  • get entropy from web3auth
  • create mnemonic from entropy using bip39 (this ensures portability of the account to NuFi wallet even without account-linking)
  • get seed from mnemonic
  • derive bip32 keypair using m/44'/539'/0'/0/0 path
  • use secp256k1 derivation curve
  • use SHA2 hashing algorithm


Check KittyItems demo app here. Check the repo here


Install dependencies:

yarn install

Build the package:

yarn build

Validate types:

yarn test:tsc

Run linter:

yarn lint


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.