Empower your Data Journey with OpenMetadata
Follow these steps to create and integrate a new entity into OpenMetadata.
Define the table structure with primary and unique keys. Add the query to the file:
Ensure that in conf/openmetadata.yaml
, under the migrationConfiguration
section, the variable extensionPath
points to the ./bootstrap/sql/migrations/extension
Create the JSON Schema for the entity at:
Create the JSON Schema for the API at:
π Note:
- Use camelCase for directories and filenames.
- Ensure naming consistency between the entity spec and the API spec.
- Use folders based on the initiative (e.g.,
After creating the SQL files and specs, build the server:
OpenMetadata Server Build Guide
mvn clean install -DskipTests
β Build without running tests../bootstrap/openmetadata-ops.sh migrate --force
β Apply database migrations../bootstrap/openmetadata-ops.sh drop-create
β Recreate the database from scratch.
In the openmetadata-service/src/main/java/org/openmetadata/service/Entity.java
file, declare the new entity:
public static final String <YOURENTITY> = "<yourEntity>";
- In a typical Java project following a layered architecture, the Repository, Mapper, and Resource play distinct roles in handling data flow and business logic.
The repository extends the EntityRepository
class for communication with the database.
Purpose: Handles direct interaction with the database.
public class YourEntityRepository extends EntityRepository<YourEntity> {
public YourEntityRepository() {
supportsSearch = true;
- Abstracts database access logic.
- Uses ORM frameworks like JPA/Hibernate.
- Provides methods for querying the database.
The mapper converts the create<Entity>
request into the entity object.
Purpose: Handles direct interaction with the database.
public class YourEntityMapper implements EntityMapper<YourEntity, CreateYourEntity> {
public YourEntity createToEntity(CreateYourEntity create, String user) {
return copy(new YourEntity(), create, user)
- Separates the domain model from external data representations.
- Enhances code readability and maintainability.
The resource manages CRUD operations following REST standards.
Purpose: Handles HTTP requests and responses.
name = "YourEntities",
description = "your description ")
@Collection(name = "gyourentities")
public class YourEntityResource extends EntityResource<YourEntity, YourEntityRepository> {
operationId = "getYourEntityByFQN",
summary = "Get your entity by nurn",
description = "Get your entity by `nurn`.",
responses = {
responseCode = "200",
description = "your description",
content =
mediaType = "application/json",
schema = @Schema(implementation = YourEntity.class))),
@ApiResponse(responseCode = "404", description = "{nurn} is not found")
public YourEntity getByNuRN(
@Context UriInfo uriInfo,
@Context SecurityContext securityContext,
@Parameter(description = "NuRN of your entity", schema = @Schema(type = "string"))
String nurn,
description = "Include all, deleted, or non-deleted entities.",
schema = @Schema(implementation = Include.class))
Include include) {
return getByNameInternal(
uriInfo, securityContext, EntityInterfaceUtil.quoteName(nurn), "", include);
- Exposes RESTful APIs.
- Handles request validation and response formatting.
- Uses ResponseEntity for proper HTTP status codes.
- Use camelCase for JSON files and PascalCase for Java classes.
- Keep the folder structure consistent across initiatives.
- Refer to existing entities when in doubt.
First, you need to create the json of the index file in:
In order for elasticsearch recognizes the schema, you need to declare it in:
"yourEntity": {
"indexName": "yourEntity_search_index",
"indexMappingFile": "/elasticsearch/_nu/%s/yourEntity_mapping.json",
"alias": "yourEntity",
"parentAliases": [],
"childAliases": []
You can create the java class in:
This class must implements SearchIndex and contains the List, Object and Map methods.
Declare the entity in the search index factory in order to build the search index.
import org.openmetadata.service.nu.search.indexes.<initiative>.YourEntityIndex;
import org.openmetadata.schema.nu.<initiative>.entity.YourEntity;
case Entity.YOURENTITY -> new EntityIndex((yourEntity) entity);
It is necessary to refactor the project to replicate the parent project structure in a nu
To do so, please follow: OpenMetadata Server Build Guide