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Two novel open-source contributions:

Two- and single-shot learning for mouse brain cortical thickness measurements


To develop a structural morphological processing pipeline for the mouse brain analogous to our human-based tools.

  • No current tools to create training data for deep learning (in contrast to e.g., human data).
  • Low data quality. Data is often:
    • sampling issues such as anisotropy, incomplete (i.e., missing boundary structures),
    • T2-w only, and
    • limited applicability to high resolution resources (e.g., AllenCCFv3, DevCCF).
  • However, in historical contrast to the human domain, we can leverage these publicly available templates (i.e., AllenCCFv3 and DevCCF) and deep learning to provide tools for multiple modalities and varying degrees of isotropic sampling.

Structural morphological tools for T2-w volumetric mouse brain images:

This work also provides a more general framework for single-shot learning using existing templates specifically tailored for both isotropic and anisotropic mouse data. See the training scripts in this repository.


Two-shot brain extraction network
  • Build two symmetric isotropic ANTsX templates from two publicly available datasets with different "defacing" aesthetics:

  • Data augmentation of CAMRI and high resolution B-spline template:

    • bias field simulation,
    • histogram warping,
    • added noise,
    • random translation and warping, and
    • random anisotropic resampling in the three canonical directions.
  • C57BI evaluation data

    • Completely unseen data
    • 12 specimens
    • 7 time points (Day 0, Day 3, Week 1, Week 4, Week 8, Week 20)
    • Whole brain masks are provided

Single-shot brain parcellation network
  • AllenCCFv3 with labels.

  • Convert labels to a gross parcellation using allensdk (this is just one possibility that works for computing KK cortical thickness).

  • Register AllenCCFv3 and DevCCF P56 T2-w to map to the desired template modality. Note that given a similar resource for DevCCF (i.e., allensdk), one can use DevCCF directly.

  • Data augmentation of CAMRI and high resolution B-spline template:

    • bias field simulation,
    • histogram warping,
    • added noise,
    • random translation and warping, and
    • random anisotropic resampling in the three canonical directions.
  • C57BI evaluation data

    • Completely unseen data
    • 12 specimens
    • 7 time points (Day 0, Day 3, Week 1, Week 4, Week 8, Week 20)

The DevCCF velocity flow transformation model


A multimodal 3D developmental common coordinate framework (DevCCF) spanning mouse embryonic day (E) 11.5, E13.5, E15.5, E18.5, and postnatal day (P) 4, P14, and P56 with anatomical segmentations defined by a developmental ontology is described in Kronman et al. available here. At each age, the DevCCF features undistorted morphologically averaged atlas templates created from magnetic resonance imaging and co-registered high- resolution templates from light sheet fluorescence microscopy. Expert-curated 3D anatomical segmentations at each age are also available. As part of this work, we generate a diffeomorphic velocity flow model permitting deformations between the above mouse developmental stages and at any continuous point within the developmental range. The transformation model is generated using the publicly available data provided through the above cited work and using ANTsX tools. This repository provides the code and data to reproduce and utilize the velocity flow field.



All data processing uses ANTsPy with equivalent calls possible in ANTsR. Be sure to install ANTsPy prior to attempting to reproduce the results below. To test your installation in the context of this work, please attempt to reproduce a small, self-contained example illustrating the code and principles used. Conceptually, this code snippet creates a time-parameterized velocity flow model in the range $t=[0,1]$ using three 2-D point sets comprising 8 points each representing a rectangle at $t=0.0$, a square at $t=0.5$, and a circle at $t=1.0$. The ANTsPy example should produce the following plots:


For simplicity only the data used to create the velocity flow model is available in this repository. These label images are the simplified annotations comprising common regions across all developmental stages and are based on the DevCCF pre-released segmentations version 3.8.

Reproducing the DevCCF Velocity Flow Model

Step 1: Rigidly register all label images to P56
# First, we register all the input label images to P56 as all the images need to reside 
# in a common post-linearly aligned space.  To do this, we find the common labels 
# between all the developmental stages and then use those to find a rigid transform
# to the P56 template. Save the rigid transforms and warped images.  We also resample
# to (0.05, 0.05, 0.05).

import ants
import os
import numpy as np

base_directory = "./"
data_directory = base_directory + "Data/DevCCFSimpleSegmentations/"
output_directory = base_directory + "Data/Output/P56RigidTransformData/"

if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
    os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True)

atlas_ids = tuple(reversed(("E11-5", "E13-5", "E15-5", "E18-5", "P04", "P14", "P56")))

common_label_ids = None
for i in range(len(atlas_ids)):
    print("Finding common label ids for atlas:", atlas_ids[i])
    labels_file = data_directory + atlas_ids[i] + "_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
    labels = ants.image_read(labels_file)
    label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(labels)
    if i == 0: 
        common_label_ids = np.array(label_geoms['Label'])
        common_label_ids = np.intersect1d(common_label_ids, np.array(label_geoms['Label']))
print("Common label ids:", common_label_ids)      

fixed_labels_file = data_directory + "P56_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
fixed_labels = ants.image_read(fixed_labels_file)
label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(fixed_labels)
fixed_label_ids = np.array(label_geoms['Label'])
for l in range(len(fixed_label_ids)):
    if not np.isin(fixed_label_ids[l], common_label_ids):
        fixed_labels[fixed_labels == fixed_label_ids[l]] = 0
label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(fixed_labels)
fixed_points = np.zeros((label_geoms.shape[0], 3))
fixed_points[:,0] = label_geoms['Centroid_x']
fixed_points[:,1] = label_geoms['Centroid_y']
fixed_points[:,2] = label_geoms['Centroid_z']
for n in range(fixed_points.shape[0]):
    fixed_points[n,:] = ants.transform_index_to_physical_point(fixed_labels, (fixed_points + 0.5).astype(int)[n,:])

for i in range(len(atlas_ids)):
    print("Processing ", atlas_ids[i])
    moving_labels_file = data_directory + atlas_ids[i] + "_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
    moving_labels = ants.image_read(moving_labels_file)
    label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(moving_labels)
    moving_label_ids = np.array(label_geoms['Label'])
    for l in range(len(moving_label_ids)):
        if not np.isin(moving_label_ids[l], common_label_ids):
            moving_labels[moving_labels == moving_label_ids[l]] = 0
    label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(moving_labels)
    moving_points = np.zeros((label_geoms.shape[0], 3))
    moving_points[:,0] = label_geoms['Centroid_x']
    moving_points[:,1] = label_geoms['Centroid_y']
    moving_points[:,2] = label_geoms['Centroid_z']
    for n in range(moving_points.shape[0]):
        moving_points[n,:] = ants.transform_index_to_physical_point(moving_labels, (moving_points + 0.5).astype(int)[n,:])
    xfrm = ants.fit_transform_to_paired_points(moving_points, fixed_points, transform_type='rigid')
    xfrm_file = output_directory + "P56x" + atlas_ids[i] + "_rigid_xfrm.mat"
    ants.write_transform(xfrm, xfrm_file)
    moving_labels_file = data_directory + atlas_ids[i] + "_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
    moving_labels = ants.image_read(moving_labels_file)
    warped_labels = xfrm.apply_to_image(moving_labels, fixed_labels, interpolation='nearestneighbor') 
    warped_labels = ants.resample_image(warped_labels, (0.05, 0.05, 0.05), False, 1)
    warped_labels_file = output_directory + "P56x" + atlas_ids[i] + "_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
    ants.image_write(warped_labels, warped_labels_file)
Step 2: Perform pairwise registrations of the P56-aligned label images
# Second, we perform pairwise registration between temporally adjacent atlases.
# We extract separate images from each fixed/moving pair and construct a separate
# MSQ metric to drive the registration.  

import ants
import glob
import os
import numpy as np


base_directory = "./"
data_directory = base_directory + "Data/Output/P56RigidTransformData/"
output_directory = base_directory + "Data/Output/PairwiseRegistrations/"

if not os.path.exists(output_directory):
    os.makedirs(output_directory, exist_ok=True)

template_ids = tuple(reversed(("E11-5", "E13-5", "E15-5", "E18-5", "P04", "P14", "P56")))

for i in range(1, len(template_ids)):
    fixed_labels_file = data_directory + "P56x" + template_ids[i-1] + "_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
    moving_labels_file = data_directory + "P56x" + template_ids[i] + "_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
    print("Fixed labels: ", fixed_labels_file)
    print("Moving labels: ", moving_labels_file)

    fixed_labels = ants.image_read(fixed_labels_file)
    moving_labels = ants.image_read(moving_labels_file)

    fixed_label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(fixed_labels)
    fixed_label_ids = np.array(fixed_label_geoms['Label'])
    moving_label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(moving_labels)
    moving_label_ids = np.array(moving_label_geoms['Label'])
    label_ids = np.intersect1d(moving_label_ids,fixed_label_ids)
    number_of_labels = len(label_ids)
    fixed_image = ants.threshold_image(fixed_labels, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    moving_image = ants.threshold_image(moving_labels, 0, 0, 0, 1)

    fixed_single_label_images = list()
    moving_single_label_images = list()
    for j in range(number_of_labels):
        single_label_image = ants.threshold_image(fixed_labels, label_ids[j], label_ids[j], 1, 0)
        single_label_image = ants.smooth_image(single_label_image, 1, False)
        single_label_image = ants.threshold_image(moving_labels, label_ids[j], label_ids[j], 1, 0)
        single_label_image = ants.smooth_image(single_label_image, 1, False)

    multivariate_extras = list()            
    for j in range(number_of_labels):
        multivariate_extras.append(["MSQ", fixed_single_label_images[j], moving_single_label_images[j], 10.0, 1])

    output_registration_prefix = output_directory + "P56x" + template_ids[i-1] + "x" + template_ids[i] + "_"

    reg = ants.registration(fixed_image, moving_image, type_of_transform="antsRegistrationSyN[s]", 
                            outprefix=output_registration_prefix, verbose=True)    
Step 3: Extract points from P56 labels, propagate to all developmental atlases, and build the model

import ants
import os
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import random


base_directory = "./"
data_directory = base_directory + "Data/Output/P56RigidTransformData/"
output_directory = base_directory + "Data/Output/"
warped_labels_directory = output_directory + "P56RigidTransformData/" 
registration_directory = output_directory + "PairwiseRegistrations/"

# A couple notes:
#   * We reverse the template id's because we use P56 to define the fixed reference 
#     frame and, therefore, the positive direction of the velocity field.  This isn't 
#     necessary as we could've easily chosen the opposite direction.  
#   * We take the log of the time points to get a more even distribution of the velocity 
#     field samples.  The only implication of this is that one would need to take into 
#     account this transform when actually using the output velocity field to determine 
#     the transform at a specific time.
#   * Extract contour and regional points in P56.  We use the pairwise registrations to 
#     propagate these points to previous time points.
#   * An additional modification to get a better sampling distribution is to simply use 
#     the time point for P28 = 47 and use the P56 template.

template_ids = tuple(reversed(("E11-5", "E13-5", "E15-5", "E18-5", "P04", "P14", "P56")))
time_points = np.flip(-1.0 * np.log(np.array((11.5, 13.5, 15.5, 18.5, 23, 33, 47))))

contour_percentage = 0.1
regional_percentage = 0.01

fixed_labels_file = warped_labels_directory + "P56xP56_DevCCF_Annotations_20um_symmetric_commonROIs_hemi.nii.gz"
fixed_labels = ants.image_read(fixed_labels_file)

label_geoms = ants.label_geometry_measures(fixed_labels)
label_ids = np.array(label_geoms['Label'])
number_of_labels = len(label_ids)

contour_indices = list()
for i in range(0, number_of_labels + 1):
    if i < number_of_labels:
        print("Extracting contour points from label ", label_ids[i])
        single_label_image = ants.threshold_image(fixed_labels, label_ids[i], label_ids[i], 1, 0)
        single_label_image = ants.threshold_image(fixed_labels, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    contour_image = single_label_image - ants.iMath_ME(single_label_image, 1)
    single_label_indices = (contour_image.numpy()).nonzero()
    number_of_points_per_label = int(len(single_label_indices[0]) * contour_percentage)
    print("  Number of points: ", number_of_points_per_label)
    random_indices = random.sample(range(len(single_label_indices[0])), number_of_points_per_label)
    if i == 0:
         contour_indices[0] = np.concatenate([contour_indices[0], single_label_indices[0][random_indices]])
         contour_indices[1] = np.concatenate([contour_indices[1], single_label_indices[1][random_indices]])
         contour_indices[2] = np.concatenate([contour_indices[2], single_label_indices[2][random_indices]])
contour_weights = [1] * len(contour_indices[0])

regional_indices = list()
for i in range(0, number_of_labels + 1):
    if i < number_of_labels:
        print("Extracting regional points from label ", label_ids[i])
        single_label_image = ants.threshold_image(fixed_labels, label_ids[i], label_ids[i], 1, 0)
        single_label_image = ants.threshold_image(fixed_labels, 0, 0, 0, 1)
    single_label_indices = (single_label_image.numpy()).nonzero()
    number_of_points_per_label = int(len(single_label_indices[0]) * regional_percentage)
    print("  Number of points: ", number_of_points_per_label)
    random_indices = random.sample(range(len(single_label_indices[0])), number_of_points_per_label)
    if i == 0:
         regional_indices[0] = np.concatenate([regional_indices[0], single_label_indices[0][random_indices]])
         regional_indices[1] = np.concatenate([regional_indices[1], single_label_indices[1][random_indices]])
         regional_indices[2] = np.concatenate([regional_indices[2], single_label_indices[2][random_indices]])
regional_weights = [0.5] * len(regional_indices[0])

indices = contour_indices
indices[0] = np.concatenate([indices[0], regional_indices[0]])
indices[1] = np.concatenate([indices[1], regional_indices[1]])
indices[2] = np.concatenate([indices[2], regional_indices[2]])
weights = np.concatenate([contour_weights, regional_weights])

print("Number of contour points:  ", str(len(contour_weights)))
print("Number of regional points:  ", str(len(regional_weights)))

points_time0 = np.zeros((len(indices[0]), 3))
for i in range(len(indices[0])):
    index = (indices[0][i], indices[1][i], indices[2][i])
    points_time0[i,:] = ants.transform_index_to_physical_point(fixed_labels, index)

points_time0_df = pd.DataFrame(points_time0, columns = ('x', 'y', 'z'))

point_sets = list()
point_sets.append(points_time0_df) #P56
for i in range(1, len(template_ids)):
    print("Warping points " + str(i))
    source_template_id = template_ids[i-1]        
    target_template_id = template_ids[i]        
    output_registration_prefix = registration_directory + "P56x" + source_template_id + "x" + target_template_id + "_"
    affine = output_registration_prefix + "0GenericAffine.mat"
    warp = output_registration_prefix + "1Warp.nii.gz"
    warped_points = ants.apply_transforms_to_points(3, points=point_sets[i-1], transformlist=[warp, affine])

# Write the points to images to see if they match with what's expected.
check_points = False
if check_points:
    for i in range(len(template_ids)):
        print("Checking image " + str(i))
        points_image = ants.make_points_image(point_sets[i].to_numpy(), fixed_labels * 0 + 1, radius=1)
        output_prefix = output_directory + "P56x" + template_ids[i] + "_"
        ants.image_write(points_image, output_prefix + "points_image.nii.gz")

for i in range(len(point_sets)):
    point_sets[i] = point_sets[i].to_numpy()

# Normalize time points to the range [0, 1]

normalized_time_points = (time_points - time_points[0]) / (time_points[-1] - time_points[0])

initial_velocity_field = None
velocity_field_file = output_directory + "/DevCCF_velocity_flow.nii.gz"
if os.path.exists(velocity_field_file):
    initial_velocity_field = ants.image_read(velocity_field_file)

# We could simply set the total number of iterations (i.e., "number_of_compositions")
# to 10 * 20 but just so we could check the progress, we run the optimization for 10
# iterations and then write the velocity field to disk and use it as the initial 
# velocity field for subsequent iterations.

for i in range(20):
    print("Iteration " + str(i))
    tv = ants.fit_time_varying_transform_to_point_sets(point_sets, time_points=normalized_time_points,
        number_of_time_steps=11, domain_image=fixed_labels,
        number_of_fitting_levels=4, mesh_size=4, number_of_compositions=10,
        convergence_threshold=0.0, composition_step_size=0.2,
        rasterize_points=False, verbose=True)
    initial_velocity_field = ants.image_clone(tv['velocity_field'])
    ants.image_write(initial_velocity_field, velocity_field_file)

Using the DevCCF Velocity Flow Model

Example: Warp every template to every other template

import ants
import numpy as np
import math

atlas_ids = tuple(reversed(("E11-5", "E13-5", "E15-5", "E18-5", "P04", "P14", "P56")))
time_points = np.flip(-1.0 * np.log(np.array((11.5, 13.5, 15.5, 18.5, 23, 33, 47))))
normalized_time_points = (time_points - time_points[0]) / (time_points[-1] - time_points[0])

velocity_field = ants.image_read("Data/Output/DevCCF_velocity_flow.nii.gz")

# Read template files.
# template_files = list()
# for i in range(len(atlas_ids)):
#      fa_template_files.append(glob.glob(atlas_ids[i] + "*.nii.gz")[0])

for i in range(len(atlas_ids)):
    for j in range(len(atlas_ids)):
        print("Warping ", atlas_ids[j], "to", atlas_ids[i])
        reference_template = ants.image_read(template_files[i])
        moving_template = ants.image_read(template_files[j])
        displacement_field = ants.integrate_velocity_field(velocity_field,
                                                           normalized_time_points[j], 10)
        displacement_field_xfrm = ants.transform_from_displacement_field(displacement_field)
        warped_template = displacement_field_xfrm.apply_to_image(moving_template,
Example: Warp P56 in a continuous manner from identity to E11.5

import ants
import numpy as np
import math

velocity_field = ants.image_read("DevCCF_flow_model.nii.gz")
P56 = ants.image_read("P56.nii.gz")  

# We discretize the time domain into 50 intervals.
time_points = np.flip(-1.0 * np.log(np.linspace(11.5, 47, 50)))
normalized_time_points = (time_points - time_points[0]) / (time_points[-1] - time_points[0])

for i in range(len(normalized_time_points)):
    t = normalized_time_points[i]
    displacement_field = ants.integrate_velocity_field(velocity_field, t, 0.0, 10)
    displacement_field_xfrm = ants.transform_from_displacement_field(displacement_field)
    P56warped = displacement_field_xfrm.apply_to_image(P56, interpolation="linear")


The ANTsX Ecosystem for Mapping the Mouse Brain







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