- Generate a JIS standard resume (for Japanese) from the json config file.
- nodejs >= 6.9.5
- ejs >= 2.5.8
- html-pdf >= 2.2.0
- Download the source code and move the directory.
- Execute the command.
npm i
- Make a config file referring to file.
- Execute the command.
npm run make-jp-resume [config file] [output pdf]
"date": "YYYY年 MM月 DD日現在",
"name_kana": "ヤマダ タロウ",
"name": "山田 太郎",
"gender": "男",
"birth_day": "YYYY年 MM月 DD日",
"address_kana": "トウキョウトスミダクオシアゲ",
"zip_code": "〒131-0045",
"address": "東京都墨田区押上1-1−2",
"tel": "0120-XX-XXXX",
"phone": "090-XX-XXXX",
"mail": "[email protected]",
"academic_histories": [
"year": "20XX年",
"month": "4",
"value": "YY高校入学"
"year": "20XX年",
"month": "3",
"value": "YY高校卒業"
"work_histories": [
"year": "20XX年",
"month": "4",
"value": "株式会社ZZ入社"
"year": "20XX年",
"month": "3",
"value": "株式会社ZZ退職"
"licenses": [
"year": "20XX年",
"month": "1",
"value": "普通自動車免許"
"year": "20XX年",
"month": "12",
"value": "ITパスポート"
"free": "これはサンプルです。\nよろしくお願いします。"