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Search Address Lab

This project is a simple Android application that allows users to search for addresses. The application contains some screens, the address search screen. You can view the main UI of the application here.

Download application from releases to test:


Video Demo

Link: Search Address Lab


  • Android Studio latest version
  • Android SDK
  • API Key from HERE
  • Internet Connection
  • Emulator or Real Device



  1. Address Search (Required): Users can search for an address. The application will return a list of addresses that match the search query.

  2. Display Search Results (Required): The application displays the search results in a list. Each item in the list shows the address.

  3. Open Google Maps for Directions (Required): Users can click on an address to open Google Maps and get directions to the address.

  4. Highlight Search Keywords in the Result (Optional): The application highlights the search keywords in the search results.

  5. Implement 1-second Search Debounce (Optional): The application waits for the user to stop typing for 1 second before performing the search. This reduces the number of API calls and improves performance.

Getting Started

To get started with this project, you need to have the Android SDK and Android Studio installed on your machine.

API Documentation

The application uses the HERE Geocoding & Search API to perform address searches. You can find the API documentation at the provided link.

API Authentication

The application uses the HERE Identity & Access Management for API authentication. You can find the authentication documentation at the provided link.

Register a New App

To use the HERE API, you need to register a new app on the HERE platform. After registering the app, you will receive an API key. You need to add this API key to the file in your project:


Replace "your_api_key_here" with your actual API key.

Building the Project

To build the project, open it in Android Studio and click on Build > Make Project. After the build is successful, you can run the application on an emulator or a real device by clicking on Run > Run 'app'.



Contributions are welcome. Please open an issue to discuss your ideas or submit a pull request with your changes.