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Update WindowSpy.ahk
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- Adjust the border width of the Edit Control.
- Change the method to implement the dark mode CheckBox.
- The ToolTip for copying text now also applies the dark mode; and rounded corners have been implemented for Win 11.

- 調整 Edit Control 的框線寬度。
- 改變實現暗黑模式 CheckBox 的方法。 
- 複製文字時的 ToolTip 現在也套用深色模式了;並且針對 Win 11 實現了圓角。
  • Loading branch information
nperovic committed Apr 23, 2024
1 parent 0464f1c commit 885eeb1
Showing 1 changed file with 69 additions and 44 deletions.
113 changes: 69 additions & 44 deletions WindowSpy.ahk
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -2,7 +2,7 @@
* @description Window Spy for AHKv2 in dark mode. []
* @file WindowSpy.ahk
* @author nperovic
* @date 2023/11/04
* @date 2024/04/23
* @version 1.0.1
Expand All @@ -13,9 +13,10 @@ try TraySetIcon RegExReplace(A_AhkPath, "iS)^.+?AutoHotkey[^\\]*\\\K.+", "UX\inc
A_IconHidden := true
; #NoTrayIcon
Gui.Prototype.DefineProp("AddDarkCheckBox", {Call: AddDarkCheckBox})
CoordMode("Pixel", "Screen")
WinSpyGui(9, "Segoe UI", false)
Expand All @@ -26,26 +27,26 @@ WinSpyGui(9, "Segoe UI", false)
WinSpyGui(fontSize := 11, font := "Segoe UI", Wrap := true)
global oGui
static WM_RBUTTONDOWN := 0x0204
, WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x0205
, checkBoxW := SysGet(SM_CXMENUCHECK)
, checkBoxH := SysGet(SM_CYMENUCHECK)
static WM_RBUTTONDOWN := 0x0204
static WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x0205
static SM_CXMENUCHECK := 71
static SM_CYMENUCHECK := 72
static checkBoxW := SysGet(SM_CXMENUCHECK)
static checkBoxH := SysGet(SM_CYMENUCHECK)
static WS_EX_COMPOSITED := 0x02000000
DllCall("shell32\SetCurrentProcessExplicitAppUserModelID", "ptr", StrPtr("AutoHotkey.WindowSpy"))
oGui := Gui("AlwaysOnTop Resize MinSize MinSizex1 DPIScale", "Window Spy for AHKv2")
oGui := Gui("AlwaysOnTop Resize MinSize MinSizex1 -DPIScale +" WS_EX_COMPOSITED, "Window Spy for AHKv2")
oGui.MarginX := 10
oGui.MarginY := 5
oGui.BackColor := "1F1F1F"
oGui.SetFont("cF8F8F8 S" fontSize, font)
oGui.Add("Text", "0x200 h" checkBoxH, "Window Title, Class and Process:").GetPos(,, &tW)
oGui.AddText("x+m yp Right 0x200 HP W" (320-tW-checkBoxW+oGui.MarginX) , "Follow Mouse")
oGui.AddCheckBox("x+0 yp Right Checked vCtrl_FollowMouse HP W" checkBoxW).OnEvent("Click", Checkbox_Focus)
oGui.AddDarkCheckBox("yp Right Checked vCtrl_FollowMouse ", "Follow Mouse")
oGui.Add("Edit", "xm w320 r5 ReadOnly vCtrl_Title" (Wrap ? "" : " -Wrap"))
oGui.Add("Text", , "Mouse Position")
Expand All @@ -60,11 +61,10 @@ WinSpyGui(fontSize := 11, font := "Segoe UI", Wrap := true)
oGui.Add("Text", , "Status Bar Text:")
oGui.Add("Edit", "w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_SBText")
oGui.Add("Checkbox", "xm r1 vCtrl_IsSlow W" checkBoxW " H" checkBoxH,).OnEvent("Click", Checkbox_Focus)
oGui.Add("Text", "x+0 yp HP", "Slow TitleMatchMode")
oGui.Add("Text", "xm 0x200 h" checkBoxH, "Visible Text:")
oGui.AddDarkCheckBox("yp vCtrl_IsSlow right", "Slow TitleMatchMode")
oGui.Add("Text", "xm", "Visible Text:")
oGui.Add("Edit", "w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_VisText")
oGui.Add("Edit", "xm w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_VisText")
oGui.Add("Text", , "All Text:")
oGui.Add("Edit", "w320 r2 ReadOnly vCtrl_AllText")
Expand All @@ -75,26 +75,26 @@ WinSpyGui(fontSize := 11, font := "Segoe UI", Wrap := true)
oGui.OnEvent("Size", WinSpySize)
OnMessage(WM_RBUTTONUP, Right_Click_Event)
for ctrl in ["Follow Mouse", "Slow TitleMatchMode"]
for event in ["Click", "DoubleClick"]
oGui[ctrl].OnEvent(event, ToggleCheck)
for ctrl in oGui
if ctrl Is Gui.Edit
ctrl.Opt("cF8F8F8 Background" oGui.BackColor)
if (isEdit := ctrl.Type = "Edit")
ctrl.Opt("-VScroll cF8F8F8 Background" oGui.BackColor)
SetDarkControl(ctrl, isEdit ? "DarkMode_CFD" : "DarkMode_Explorer")
oGui.Show("Hide AutoSize")
oGui.GetClientPos(, , &GuiWidth)
oGui["Follow Mouse"].GetPos(&x_Text_FollowMouse)
oGui["Ctrl_IsSlow"].GetPos(&x_ChBx_IsSlow,, &w_ChBx_IsSlow)
oGui["Ctrl_IsSlow"].Move(x_ChBx_IsSlow := GuiWidth - w_ChBx_IsSlow - oGui.MarginX)
oGui.CtrlDistance := Map(
"Ctrl_FollowMouse", GuiWidth - x_ChBx_FollowMouse,
"Follow Mouse" , GuiWidth - x_Text_FollowMouse)
"Follow Mouse" , GuiWidth - x_Text_FollowMouse,
"Ctrl_IsSlow", GuiWidth - x_ChBx_IsSlow,
"Slow TitleMatchMode", GuiWidth - x_ChBx_IsSlow -5)
oGui.txtNotFrozen := txtNotFrozen ; create properties for futur use
oGui.txtFrozen := "(Updates suspended)"
Expand All @@ -104,45 +104,61 @@ WinSpyGui(fontSize := 11, font := "Segoe UI", Wrap := true)
oGui.GetClientPos(, , &Width, &Height)
WinSpySize(oGui, 0, Width, Height)
SetTimer(Update, 250)
oGui.Show("NoActivate AutoSize")
try PostMessage(0x8, , , ControlGetFocus(oGui))
return oGui
ToggleCheck(GuiCtrlObj, p*)
AddDarkCheckBox(obj, Options, Text)
static checkBoxName := Map("Follow Mouse", "Ctrl_FollowMouse", "Slow TitleMatchMode", "Ctrl_IsSlow")
CheckBoxCtrl := GuiCtrlObj.Gui[checkBoxName[GuiCtrlObj.Value]]
ControlClick(CheckBoxCtrl.hwnd, GuiCtrlObj.Gui)
Checkbox_Focus(GuiCtrlObj, Info) {
SendMessage(0x8,,, GuiCtrlObj.hwnd, GuiCtrlObj.Gui)
return 0
static SM_CXMENUCHECK := 71
static SM_CYMENUCHECK := 72
static checkBoxW := SysGet(SM_CXMENUCHECK)
static checkBoxH := SysGet(SM_CYMENUCHECK)
chbox := obj.Add("Checkbox", Options " r1.2 +0x4000000", text)
if !InStr(Options, "right")
txt := obj.Add("Text", "xp+" (checkBoxW+5) " yp+1 HP-4 +0x4000200", Text)
txt := obj.Add("Text", "xp+5 yp+1 HP-4 +0x4000200", Text)
chbox.Text := ""
chbox.DefineProp("Text", {
Get: this => txt.Text,
Set: (this, value) => txt.Text
SetWindowPos(txt.hwnd,0,,,,, 0x43)
return chbox
SetWindowPos(hWnd, hWndInsertAfter, X := 0, Y := 0, cx := 0, cy := 0, uFlags := 0x40) => DllCall("User32\SetWindowPos", "ptr", hWnd, "ptr", hWndInsertAfter, "int", X, "int", Y, "int", cx, "int", cy, "uint", uFlags, "int")
Right_Click_Event(wParam, lParam, msg, hwnd)
static WM_RBUTTONDOWN := 0x0204
, WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x0205
static WM_RBUTTONUP := 0x0205
static WM_COPY := 0x0301
GuiCtrl := GuiCtrlFromHwnd(hwnd)
if (!(GuiCtrl is Gui.Edit) && msg = WM_RBUTTONUP)
return 0
A_Clipboard := ""
if (GuiCtrl.Name = "Ctrl_Title")
A_Clipboard := StrReplace(EditGetSelectedText(GuiCtrl, hwnd), "`r`n", "`s")
A_Clipboard := StrReplace(EditGetSelectedText(GuiCtrl, hwnd), "`r`n", "`s")
ControlSend("^{Ins}", hwnd)
PostMessage(WM_COPY, , , hwnd)
if ClipWait(1)
ToolTip("Copied: " A_Clipboard)
SetTimer(ToolTip, -1000)
SetDarkControl(ToolTip("Copied: " A_Clipboard))
SetTimer(ToolTip, -1500)
return 0
Expand All @@ -152,6 +168,8 @@ WinSpySize(GuiObj?, MinMax?, Width?, Height?)
if !GuiObj.HasProp("txtNotFrozen") ; WinSpyGui() not done yet, return until it is
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -357,8 +375,15 @@ suspend_timer()
UpdateText("Ctrl_Freeze", oGui.txtFrozen)
SetDarkControl(_obj) => DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "ptr", _obj.hwnd, "ptr", StrPtr("DarkMode_Explorer"), "ptr", 0)
SetDarkControl(ctrl, style := "DarkMode_Explorer")
static IsWin11 := (VerCompare(A_OSVersion, "10.0.22000") > 0)
hwnd := IsObject(ctrl) ? ctrl.hwnd : ctrl
DllCall("uxtheme\SetWindowTheme", "ptr", hwnd, "ptr", StrPtr(style), "ptr", 0)
if IsWin11
DllCall("Dwmapi\DwmSetWindowAttribute", "Ptr", hwnd, "UInt", 33, "Ptr*", 3, "UInt", 4)
For v in [135, 136]
Expand Down

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