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Qin Guan edited this page May 17, 2023 · 2 revisions

The iNProve server can be deployed as a normal Docker image.

Alternatively, you can also host it on's free plan permits hosting the necessary PostgreSQL database, as well as the server. The steps below assumes you have setup the fly CLI and is authenticated.

  1. Setup PostgreSQL database

    fly postgres create
  2. Setup server

    A fly.toml file is included in this repository. You may choose to copy the file. This will create an app with the name np-inprove-server and uses Dockerfile to build.

    Do not deploy first.

    fly launch --no-deploy --dockerfile build/docker/Dockerfile
  3. Attach PostgreSQL database

    In the command below, np-inprove-postgres is the name of the PostgreSQL database created in step one, but you can use any name.

    fly postgres attach -a np-inprove-server np-inprove-postgres
  4. Setup secrets

    By default, the precompiled binary supports either SQLite or PostgreSQL as the database driver.

    In the provided fly.toml configuration file, the driver is set to postgres.

    You may override this using the INPROVE_DATABASE_DRIVERNAME environment variable.

    fly secrets set INPROVE_APP_JWTALGORITHM="HS256" INPROVE_APP_JWTSIGNKEY="verysecure" INPROVE_DATABASE_DATASOURCENAME="host=<host> port=<port> user=<user> dbname=<database> password=<pass> sslmode=disable"
  5. Deploy!

    Deploy the server!

    fly launch
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