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Atmega88/168/328 ISP programmer shield for Arduino UNO boards

and (minimal)

Shield on top of the Arduino board


This repo provides you with all necessary info (and files) to build an Arduino shield to program Atmel's atmega88/168/328 𝜇-controllers. For that matter, the underlying Arduino board should be loaded with the ISP-programmer sketch (built-in example). Two versions have been included. All images in the description below, refer to the 16MHz version with an external crystal oscillator. An alternative (minimalistic) version is also available in all respective sub-folders (marked as 'minimal'). It concerns a shield to program the same µ-controllers using their 8MHz internal clock.

PCB - component side PCB - copper side


After having tested one of your new marvelous ideas with an existing eco-system, a lot of airwires and a piece of breadboard, you will probably start designing a state-of-the-art custom pcb to finalize the building of your project. During such a design phase, I however got tired of wiring up the ISPC connector over-and-over-again. As (like many people) I was having a spare UNO, which could serve as an in-circuit serial programmer, I decided to design a minimalistic shield to fit on top of it.


The shield has been designed with EAGLE from AutoDesk/CadSoft. This shield project can be opened with the free version (download here). Only through-hole components have been used in order to make the build also feasible for any junior electronics enthusiast. In the pdf-folder of this repo pdf versions of all important EAGLE views are available, for those not wanting to install EAGLE. Pay attention to print the bottom and top-layer layouts without re-sizing (1:1). To have the printed circuit board built by a commercial PCB-shop, the full gerber-files are also available. When etching the board at home, don't forget to add the vias, or solder pieces of wire from solder to component side.

Currently, unpopulated boards for both the full and minimalistic version are still available from our workshop. If interested, contact us via 📧.

Schematic PCB

Technical details

What’s on the board

The board has been fit with a narrow 28-pin ZIF socket, which is wired up to be universal for several types of AVR's. On the boarder of the PCB, pin headers with double functionality have been mounted. Pins on the bottom-side to fit on the Arduino board, and feed-through female headers on the top for easy access of all Arduino connections. The push button, is connected to the reset lines of the AVR in the ZIF socket (and the ICSP on the shield) with a 10kΩ pull-up resistor. When the shield is cut correctly, the reset button for the underlying Arduino UNO should still be accessible. In order to make the Arduino Uno work as an ISP programmer a 10µF capacitor needs to be connected on its reset-line. Three LED’s are available to visualize the correct functionality of the programming procedure. An optional AVR ISP connector has been foreseen in order to use the shield as stand-alone with a commercial programmer.

Component layout

BOM - bill of materials

Part Value Package Description
R1 10kΩ 0207/7 resistor
R2,3,4 470Ω 0204/5 resistor
C1 10µF/16V E2,5-6E polarized capacitor
C2 100nF C050-025X075 capacitor
C3,4 22pF C2.5-2 capacitor (version with xtal-oscillator)
X1 16MHz QS oscillator crystal (version with xtal-oscillator)
LED1 3mm yellow 3mm LED
LED2 3mm red 3mm LED
LED3 3mm green 3mm LED
IC1 28-pin ZIF28-N 28-pin narrow ZIF-socket
ICSP1 2x3 pin-header 2x3 AVR ISP-6 Serial Programming Header (optional)
S1 momentary 6x6x6mm momentary tact push button
S2 toggle 9x4mm mini toggle switch
CON1 6-pin SIL06 long needle female stackable pin header strip
CON2,3 8-pin SIL08 long needle female stackable pin header strip
CON4 10-pin SIL10 long needle female stackable pin header strip

How things work

First the the ISP-programmer sketch (built-in example) should be loaded to the Arduino UNO board. During that operation, switch S2 should be set to "RUN". Select “Arduino Uno” as target board in the tools-menu. Load the ISP-programmer sketch with the “UPLOAD” button. Once loaded, switch S2 can be set to "PROG" to send a sketch to the atmega 𝜇-controller in the ZIF socket.

ISP example sketch Board selection Upload

To load a sketch to your atmega 𝜇-controller in the ZIF socket, make sure that the correct target board is selected in the tools-menu (you might need to download a specific library -> tools-menu, board manager). This time, use the “UPLOAD USING PROGRAMMER” option from the sketch-menu.

Programmer selection Upload Using Programmer

When using the "8MHz internal clock" shield, an adapted board configuration should be used (read "fuse-settings"), which can be found in the source-folder. Other versions can be found on the Arduino website (see paragraph on minimal hardware). To install this package driver, create a "hardware" folder in the Arduino sketches folder on your computer (path to be found in the Arduino preferences),

Preferences window

and copy the unzipped package archive in there.

Arduino sketches folder

Next restart the Arduino IDE, and the required board will appear in your board's list.

Board selection Minimal board in the board selector menu

When loading a new sketch to the target µ-controller, the 3 LED’s will tell you how things are going :

  • Green : ICSP programmer running (fading LED means 'idle')
  • Yellow : uploading sketch (programming code is being uploaded)
  • Red : Error! (oops, something went wrong during the upload)

Proof of concept

So far, I have tested the shield with the below list of 𝜇-controllers :

  • atmega168
  • atmega328

Programming shield should also function correctly for other pin-compatible µ-controllers, such as :

  • atmega88


If you are having any good suggestions, just drop me a line 📧. If feasible, I'll be happy to implement any proposed improvements. And if you are having lots of time, I'll be happy to share the work with you ;-).

When you create your own version, don't forget to send us some nice pictures of your construction. We'll be happy to publish them in the 🎊Hall of Fame🎊.

🌐 License

At this moment, there is no specific license attached to this project.

So, today, if you like it, have fun with it (at your own risk of course :-D), and especially, be creative.

Oh, and when using anything from this repository, it is highly appreciated if you mention its origin.

If you would like to use any of this work (or the whole project) for commercial use, first contact us 📧, so we can add the appropriate license, which best fits your business.


Atmega88/168/328 ISP programmer shield for Arduino Uno






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