URL Go is a simple python3 flask application designed to provide an open source url shortener service.
You can check for a live demo of URL Go on go.northy.xyz
To install URL Go , you need to:
git clone https://github.com/northy/url-go.git
cd url-go
URL Go uses pipenv to manage dependencies, so install pipenv with:
sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
sudo pip install pipenv pipenv-shebang
To configure URL Go, you need to edit url_go/settings.py
, with the options being as follows:
- SERVER_NAME (string) - The URL for the server to listen requests on. This can be your domain if you are hosting on one.
- SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI (string) - RFC-1738 compilant URL that indicates SQLAlchemy how to connect to the database. For more information on how to create the url, check this link
- HCAPTCHA_ENABLED (boolean) - True or False value to enable hCaptcha service when creating new shortened URLs.
- HCAPTCHA_SITE_KEY (string) - Site key for hcaptcha.
- HCAPTCHA_SECRET_KEY (string) - Secret key for hcaptcha.
- LIMIT_SHORTENS (boolean) - True or False value that indicates if you want to limit how much shortens an user is able to make until a refresh request is made.
- LIMIT_COUNT (integer) - The numeric value of how much shortens the user can make.
- MINIMUM_URL_LENGTH (integer) - Numeric value that represents the minimum length of the shortened URL.
- URL_OFFSET (integer) - Numeric offset for the first URL value.
- URL_ALPHABET (string) - String of characters that will be used to create the shortened URLs.
import string
SQLALCHEMY_DATABASE_URI = "sqlite:///db.sqlite3"
URL_ALPHABET = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
After changing the configuration file, run create_db.py
to generate the tables on the database.
pipenv run python create_db.py
If you are running URL Go on a test environment, you can use the following command to run the server:
pipenv run flask run
However, that's not recommended by flask, so you should use a production WSGI server instead. A WSGI configuration file is present as webapp.wsgi
, where you should change "/PATH/TO/APP/"
to the path of the URL Go folder.
If you are running apache, you can install mod_wsgi to run the application.
An example Virtual Host configuration for apache would be:
<VirtualHost *:80>
ServerAdmin admin@SERVER_NAME
WSGIScriptAlias / /PATH/TO/APP/webapp.wsgi
<Directory /PATH/TO/APP/>
Options FollowSymLinks
AllowOverride None
Require all granted
To refresh the url limits, just make a web request to SERVER_NAME/refresh.
curl SERVER_NAME/refresh
You can also add a cron job to do this periodically. An example cron job for running each hour would be:
0 * * * * /usr/bin/curl --silent --show-error -m 120 SERVER_NAME/refresh &>/dev/null
Note that the refresh job will only be completed if the issuer address is
- Flask - Main web framework
- pipenv - Install and manage environments
- pipenv-shebang - Shebang for pipenv
- SQLAlchemy - Manage SQL Database
- python-dotenv - Load environment files
- requests - Manage requests
- passlib - Hash and verify passwords