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Nomns edited this page Feb 18, 2018 · 7 revisions

Quick Note:

nParse does not check for new files within your Log directory while it is running. Due to this, if you turn on logging after you have started nParse for a character that does not have a log file created, nParse will not see it. To rectify, restart nParse and it will re-read the Log directory and monitor the existing files.

Currently changing the Log directory within nParse will require a restart to work if the nParse was opened with a valid Log setting.


  1. Download latest Release

  2. Unzip contents into it's own directory.

  3. Execute nparse.exe.

  4. Set Everquest Log directory location.

    • Right click on the system tray icon () and click on Select EQ Logs Directory. Choose the Logs directory found within your Everquest installation directory.
  5. Turn on Logging within your Everquest client.

    • Temporarily: Type /log on within your everquest client.

    • Permanently: Close your Everquest client. Edit eqclient.ini (or the .ini file specified by your WinEQ2 which defaults to eqclient.ini) which can be found in your Everquest installation directory. Search eqclient.ini for Log= and make sure it reads Log=TRUE. Save eqclient.ini and reload your client.

      Example snippet from my eqclient.ini file with Log=TRUE set:

  6. Create a Location Macro in your Socials Page <Ctrl + O> and place it on a hotbar. To make things simple, you can bind the hotbar button that you placed your Location Macro in to one of the same keys you use to move in the Options Window <Alt + O> under the Keys tab.

    Example Location Macro with Sense Heading set to the first ability on the Abilities Page <Ctrl + A>:

    /doability 1
  7. Set your current Map (on first run, West Freeport will be default map).

    • If the above steps are taken, nParse should automatically load maps for the zones you zone into. The last zone you were in is also saved. If you log over to another character or start in a zone which is not saved as the last zone, you will have to manually tell nParse which zone to initially load. Once you zone, it will continue to automatically load maps.
    • To manually load a map into the Maps window, right click on the map and choose Load Map. From the dialog that pops up, choose the zone you want to load and click OK.
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