RED 0.9.1
RED - Robot Editor v0.9.1
RED Robot Editor is Eclipse based editor for RobotFramework test cases.
Release contains Eclipse feature of RED Robot Editor to be installed into Eclipse.
- Oracle Java 1.8+
- RED feature only: Eclipse Oxygen (v 4.7) or newer
- Python/Jython & RobotFramework installed
Installation instructions
For RED feature installed on Eclipse Neon or earlier, please upgrade your Eclipse platform:
Notable updates
- Fixing execution view problems with dynamically modified suites
- Updating RfLint integration to reflect changes done in RfLint 1.0
- General task settings validation
GitHub issues updates
- #295 RED Unable to start XML-RPC
- #305 RED & PyDev wizard unable to install redpydevd without root access rights
- #333 Execution view problems with dynamically modified suites
- #338 Marker about correct setting when pipe is set as separator in table view
- #339 Trailing spaces in pipe-separated format leads to wrong content type
full changes in changelog.txt