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NATS Plugin for Spawnpoint on NPM

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Make sure to install NATS and the plugin for Spawnpoint NATS separately. NATS is treated as a peer dependency so you can change version separately. npm i nats spawnpoint-nats

NATS Versions

  • This module's version 2.x.x is designed for a NATS server running 2.x
  • This module's version 1.x.x is designed for a NATS server running 1.x


This api is mounted at app.nats to access these methods:

app.nats.publish(subject, message, callback)

Sends a message to a subscriber. Expects no response. Callback issued when message is sent to the NATS server. No guarantee of receipt.

  • subject string - subject to publish message to
  • message object|array|string|buffer - Message body for published message
  • callback function - Optional callback fired when sent
app.nats.request(subject, message, options, callback, updateCallback)

Sends a message to a subscriber with the expectation of at least one reply. Main callback only listens for the final reply. Can get updates to provide realtime stats/progress and/or acknowledgments to reset timeouts. Returns event emitter for update, ack, response, & timeout events.

  • subject string - subject to publish message to
  • message object|array|string|buffer - Message body for published message
  • options object - Options passed to PUB method.
    • max number - Number of replies to receive before unsubscribing from replies, optional
    • timeout number - Number of ms to wait until firing a timeout error. If omitted it will default to config settings. Setting to falsey value will disable timeout
  • callback function - Optional callback fired when final response is sent. Callback includes two arguments
    • err error|null - If the response failed via timeout or was reported as an error from the response.
    • results *object|array|string|buffer - Response body
  • updateCallback function - Optional callback fired when update is sent. Callback includes one argument
    • results object|array|string|buffer - Response body
app.nats.request('lookup', {
   domain: ""
 }, function(err, results){
       return console.error('ERROR', err);
     console.log('Lookup results', results);
 }, function(update){
   console.log('update', update);
app.nats.subscribe(subject, options, callback, updateCallback)

Sends a message to a subscriber with the expectation of at least one reply. Main callback only listens for the final reply. Can get updates to provide realtime stats/progress and/or acknowledgments to reset timeouts. Returns event emitter for update, ack, response, & timeout events.

  • subject string - subject to subscribe to
  • options object - Options passed to PUB method.
    • queue string - Name of queue to join
    • max number - Maximum number of messages to receive before automatically unsubscribing.
    • noAck boolean - Prevents automatic ack message when set to true. Defaults to false.
    • noPrefix string - Prevents configurable prefix string from adding to subject. Defaults to false.
  • callback function - callback fired when messages are received. Callback includes two arguments
    • response object|array|string|buffer - Message body
    • handler eventEmitter - Event emitter with helper methods to handle updates, acks, and replies.
      • Emittable EVENTS - These events need to be emitted to send messages
        • ack - timeout int: Resets the timeout for the request. If not timeout is specified it will reset the timer that was used by the requester. timeout is in ms.
        • update - data string: Sends a message with data update the request. Also resets the timeout.
        • response - err error|null, results object|array|string|buffer: Sends an error or response to the request
      • Helper Methods - These methods are helper methods to make emitting the events above easier
        • ack(): Tells the request to reset timeout, has no body or data to send
        • update(data *string*): Sends a message with data update the request. Also resets the timeout.
        • response(err *error|null*, results *object|array|string|buffer*): Sends an error or response to the request
    • subject string - Copy of the message subject. Useful for wildcard subscriptions. Does not include prefix where applicable.
app.nats.handle('lookup', {
   queue: "dns.lookup"
 }, function(msg, handler){
   }, 2500);
       pending: true
   }, 5000);
     handler.response(null, msg);
   }, 7500);


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