- Welcome to my virtual workspace, feel free to check out my website and blog.
- I’m a 1x Engineer in the Product/AI/Robotic fields.
- I'm currently working as AI Implementation Engineer at Influx.
- 💻 [ Ruby | JavaScript | Rust | Python | Golang | C++ | C# | Java | PHP | HTML | CSS | MATLAB | Pascal ]
- ☁ [ Ubuntu | Windows | Mac Os ]
- 🔳 [ Jetbrains IDEs | Visual Studio Code | Android Studio ]
- ZeroTF Docker Stack - TensorFlow with GPU enabled, Jupyter, Code-Server in Docker.
- Indonesia COVID-19 Analytics & Explorations - Exploring COVID-19 in Indonesia using data science.
- DelftX ROS-1 Course - My works in DelftX: ROS1x Hello (Real) World with ROS – Robot Operating System
- Zero-PrayerTimes - A simple prayer time that will play adhan sound with doa in foreground as a Linux CLI application.
- Zerotwitty Assistant - My personal Twitter bot that do NLP things
- Golang Hands On - Learn Go from start to advance with practice, inspired by Programmer Zaman Now.
⏳ Year progress |██████▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁▁| 20.07 %
Weather: ⛅️ Partly cloudy, +33°C, 63%, ←8km/h, 1009hPa Timezone: Asia/Jakarta Last Update: 13:28:13+0700 | Dawn: 06:10:33 | Sunrise: 06:31:40 Zenith: 12:34:17 | Sunset: 18:36:50 | Dusk: 18:57:57 Location: Medan [3.5608,98.6643]