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Welcome to the utilhysplit wiki!
utilhysplit contains code for working with HYSPLIT.
Some of the code is under rapid development and may change frequently. Current efforts will differentiate between stable and unstable code.
contributions to the code are welcome.
One way to contribute is to create a fork of the repository.
When you create the fork, you probably want to uncheck the box which says "copy the master branch only" as you may want access to some of the other branches.
The fork is copy of the repository and any changes you make to it will not affect the repository you forked from. The repository you forked from is called the upstream repository. Your new repository is a downstream repository.
In order to get new changes from the upstream repository you can use the 'sync fork' tab on the top right.
In order to add changes you have made to the upstream repository you can use the contribute tab on the top right which will create a pull request.
If there is a problem with something in utilhysplit or you have an idea for an improvement, you can open an issue. Just click on the 'Issues' tab at the top. Then click on the green 'new issue' button. Make sure to leave a good description.
- do not add binary files to your repository.
- use git add . with caution. It is better to add files individually e.g git add thisfile.
- https://git-scm.com/book/en/v2/Git-Basics-Recording-Changes-to-the-Repository#_ignoring
Code for reading HYSPLIT output files (cdump, tdump, pardump) can be found in the monetio module. https://github.com/noaa-oar-arl/monetio/tree/stable/monetio/models. This code is stable.
- cdump files are read into an xarray DataArray
- tdump and pardump files are read into a pandas DataFrame.