This tool is used to load data into Keycloak before running a performance test.
Generate 5 realms, each one containing 10 clients and 100 users. Generated files are saved in the current directory.
kci generate --realms 5 --clients 10 --users 100
Same as above but save files in the specified directory.
kci generate --realms 5 --clients 10 --users 100 --target realms/
Generate realms using the provided template.
kci generate --realms 5 --clients 10 --users 100 --realm my.template
Configure your target Keycloak instance.
kci config set realm --value master
kci config set login --value admin
kci config set password --value S3cr3t
kci config set keycloak_url --value http://localhost:8080/auth
Import the previously generated realms.
kci import *.json
By default, 5 workers are used to speed up the loading process. You can change this with:
kci config set workers --value 10
An up-to-date container image is built by a Tekton pipeline and pushed to
Images are built for x86_64, armv5 and arm64.
Each tag in the git repository ends up being a tag in the Quay registry, latest
being the continuous build of the main
To use this tool from the command line with podman, you would need to define the following function in your .bashrc / .zshrc.
function kci () {
touch ~/.kci.yaml
podman run --rm -v $HOME/.kci.yaml:/.kci.yaml:z -v $PWD:/home:z -w /home "$@"
To compile the application from sources, you can run the following commands:
export GOPATH="$HOME/go"
export GOBIN="$GOPATH/bin"
export PATH="$GOBIN:$PATH"
go install
go generate ./...
go build -o kci cli/main.go