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SCJ small parsimony problem for weighted gene adjacencies

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PhySca samples solutions to the Single-Cut-and-Join (SCJ) small parsimony problem for weighted gene adjacencies.


PhySca is composed of a set of Python scripts. It requires the following to be available:

Quick Start

If you want to quickly make a whole run through of the program including preprocessing you can use the script ''. [-h](-nhx <nhx_tree> | -nf <newick_tree>) 
		 (-a <adjacencies>/ -m <markers>) 
		 [-out <output>] 
		 [-pN <number of processes>] 
		 [-alpha <alpha>] [-s <Z>] [-x <x>] [-kT <kT>]
		 [-phySca <phySca>]

-h,--help show this help message and exit

-nhx <nhx_tree> tree file in newick (NHX) format

-nf <newick_tree> path to the file with NEWICK-tree

-a <adjacencies> adjacencies in extant genomes

-m <markers> marker order of extant genomes

-output <output> path to directory for preprocessing output, default: ./testlauf

-pN, <processnumber> number of processes used for sampling. Max: [number of cpu], default=1

-alpha <alpha> alpha parameter in objective function, [0,1]

-x <x> assign potential adjacencies by weight threshold, [0,1]

-kT <kT> deClone constant

-s <Z> sample Z solutions for given set of parameters

-phySca <phySca> path to directory with main program (PhySca), default: ./


1) Preprocessing with weightingWithDeClone [-h] (-nhx <nhx_tree> | -nf <newick_tree>) [-i]
                               [-sm <minimum>] (-a <adjacencies> | -m <markers>)
                               [-kT <kT>] [-jP] [-out <output>]

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-nhx , --nhx_Tree <nhx_tree> tree file in newick (NHX) format

-nf , --Newick <newick_tree> path to the file with NEWICK-tree

-i , --ignore_weights if set, for either ignore edge length/weights, when parsing Newick Tree into nhx Tree

-sm , --set_minimum <minimum> minimal value for every edge length, when parsing Newick Tree into nhx Tree

-a , --adjacencies <adjacencies> adjacencies in extant genomes

-m, --markers <markers> marker order of extant genomes

-kT <kT> deClone constant

-jP , --just_Parse if set, just parse the Newick file into nhx file and not run DeClone after it.

-out , --output <output> output directory, current directory as default

Input files

Marker orders for extant genomes

To account for orientation, marker are signed.


>genome 1   #marker     #chromosomes
# chr1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 $
# chr2
10 -11 -14 15 16 $
Adjacencies in extant genomes

Markers were doubled to account for orientation: marker X consists of two extremities, with respective IDs 2*X (for the head of the marker) and 2*X-1 (for the tail of the marker). Then we have the following line for each adjacency A=(extremity1, extremity2), followed by a list of extant genomes that contain this adjacency.


A0:extremity1 extremity2  #genome1:start-stop - #genome2:start-stop  #genome3:start-stop  
A1: ...
Given adjacency weights for specific internal nodes of the tree


>extrem1   extrem2    gapID   weight in [0,1]     genome1:start-stop       genome2:start-stop   

Output files

  • nhx_tree --- contains given tree in nhx format

  • single_leaf_adjacencies --- contains all adjacencies, which only ocur at one leaf/ in one extant genome

  • weighted_extant_adjacencies --- contains all adjacencies in extant genomes

  • weighted_internal_adjacencies --- contains all adjacencies at internal nodes

Structure of weighted_extant_adjacencies:
>node	adjacency
Structure of weighted_internal_adjacencies:
>node	adjacency	weight

2) Main [-h] [-tree <treefile>] [-alpha <alpha>] [-extant <extant>]
               [-internal <internal>] [-x <x>] [-s <Z>] [-pN <processnumber>] [-out <output>] [-skip <int>]

-h, --help show this help message and exit

-tree <treefile> tree file in newick or nhx format

-alpha <alpha> alpha parameter in objective function, [0,1]

-extant <extant> file with precomputed weighted adjacencies for external nodes

-internal <internal> file with precomputed weighted adjacencies for internal nodes

-x <x> (optional) assign potential adjacencies by weight threshold, [0,1]

-s , --sampling <Z> (optional) sample Z solutions for given set of parameters

-pN, --processNumber <processnumber> (optional) number of processes used for sampling. Max: [number of cpu], default=1

-out , --output <output> (optional) output directory, current directory as default

-skip , --skip <int> (optional) skip all connected components that consist of more edges than . Note that these adjacencies will not be reconstructed.

Input files (precomputed by weightingWithDeClone)

  • weighted_extant_adjacencies --- contains all adjacencies in extant genomes

  • weighted_internal_adjacencies --- contains all adjacencies at internal nodes

Structure of weighted_extant_adjacencies:
>node	adjacency
Structure of weighted_internal_adjacencies:
>node	adjacency	weight

Output files

  • conflicts --- contains all pairwise conflicting adjacencies in the set of potential adjacencies at each internal node of the tree

  • reconstructed_adjacencies --- contains all reconstructed adjacencies at each internal node of the tree

  • doubled_scaffolds, undoubled_scaffolds --- contains the set of scaffolds/CARs at each internal node according to the marker order file format described above, either as sequences of marker extremities or signed marker

  • SCJ_distances --- contains the Single Cut or Join distance for each sampled solution

  • statistic_allSampled_Reconstructed_Adjacencies --- contains for each internal node how often each adjacency occured at this node over all samples


Nina Luhmann, Manuel Lafond, Annelyse Thevenin, Aida Ouangraoua, Roland Wittler, Cedric Chauve, "The SCJ Small Parsimony Problem for Weighted Gene Adjacencies", IEEE/ACM Transactions on Computational Biology and Bioinformatics, doi:10.1109/TCBB.2017.2661761


SCJ small parsimony problem for weighted gene adjacencies







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