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Cheatsheet of Ubuntu Commands

This repository contains a cheatsheet of commands for Ubuntu/Linux from various sources for quick reference. It also has links to useful tutorials for topics which cannot be summarized in a small cheatsheet.


Basics of a Terminal/Shell

Terminal/Shell is used for typing and executing programs/commands. It is actually an interpreter which accepts a shell programming language syntax and looks to invoke programs if a written instruction cannot be matched to its expected language syntax.

  • echo: Display a line of text, e.g. echo hello world or echo "hello world".
  • The $SHELL environment variable will tell you which shell you are using: echo $SHELL.
  • Commands take input via STDIN and/or via arguments, return output using STDOUT, errors through STDERR, and a Return Code to report errors in a more script-friendly manner.
  • The return code or exit status is the way scripts/commands have to communicate how execution went. A value of 0 usually means everything went OK; anything different from 0 means an error occurred.
  • The arguments to a command/program are separated with spaces.
  • Run which <program-name> to find out where you are running the program from.

Finding Help

  • Use man {command} to display a manual for a command. Try man man! Press q to exit.
  • Manual pages have a short description. Use apropos {keyword} to search the descriptions for instances of keyword.
  • Some commands are not executables, but shell builtins.
    • man only helps for executables. For builtins, use help {command}.
    • help -d gives a list of builtins.
    • Use type {command} to find out if a command is an executable or a shell builtin or an alias. Try type cd, type find, type ls.
  • Most programs also support --help argument to display help.
  • curl{command} gives a cheat sheet with common example usages of command.
  • If you don't understand a command, can use explainshell to get a helpful breakdown for it.
  • Since man pages contain extensive documentation, if you need brief and useful examples, you can also install tldr pages.


  • Use Tab to complete arguments or list all available commands.
  • Use clear to clear the terminal.
  • Use reset to both clear the terminal and reset its settings to their default values.
  • Use ctrl-r to search through command history (after pressing, type to search, press ctrl-r repeatedly to cycle through more matches, press Enter to execute the found command, or hit the right arrow to put the result in the current line to allow editing).
  • Use ctrl-a to move cursor to beginning of line, ctrl-e to move cursor to end of line, ctrl-k to kill to the end of the line, ctrl-l to scroll down your terminal to a new command hiding all the content above. See man readline for all the default keybindings in Bash.
  • For editing long commands, after setting your editor (for example export EDITOR=vim), ctrl-x ctrl-e will open the current command in an editor for multi-line editing.
  • To see recent commands, use history. Then type !n (where n is the command number) to execute that command again.
  • To terminate an active running command, press ctrl-c.
  • Use ctrl-z to suspend a process. When entered by a user, the currently running foreground process is sent a SIGTSTP signal, which generally causes the process to suspend its execution. The user can later continue the process execution (typically via fg command -- short for foreground) or run the process in background mode.
  • Use alias to add simple aliases for complex commands. E.g., you can add alias gp='git push' to your .bashrc file to define an alias gp for the git push command. Search more on setting aliases with .bashrc and bash_aliases.

Shell Prompt

  • Shell, when used from a terminal, issues a prompt before reading a command.
  • Typically, a %`` indicates the C shell (csh) and a $`` indicates the Bourne shell (sh).
  • Prompt can be controlled via special shell variables: PS1, PS2, PS3 and PS4. If set, the value is executed as a command prior to issuing each primary prompt.
    • PS1: The value of this parameter is expanded and used as the primary prompt string. The default value is \s-\v$.
    • PS2: The value of this parameter is expanded as with PS1 and used as the secondary prompt string. The default is >.
    • PS3: The value of this parameter is used as the prompt for the select command.
    • PS4: The value of this parameter is expanded as with PS1 and the value is printed before each command bash displays during an execution trace. The first character of PS4 is replicated multiple times, as necessary, to indicate multiple levels of indirection. The default is +.
  • echo $PS1 to see the current prompt setting.
  • Change your default prompt by altering your start-up files.
    • In the C shell, include in your .login file: set prompt='newprompt'.
    • In the Bourne shell, you need to set the value of the keyword shell variable PS1. This is just a variable that is declared and initialized by the shell at start-up. Include in your .profile file: export PS1; PS1="newprompt".

Shell Scripts

  • Commands can be combined together in a file which can then be executed.

  • Bash is a popularly used language for scripting. Bash files have a .sh extension. You must make such a file executable by using chmod and then run it by typing ./{}.

  • See the shell scripting tutorial for more details.

  • The nano editor is a simple editor for basic terminal-editing (opening, editing, saving, searching).

  • For power users in a text terminal, learning Vim (vi) is recommended. It is a hard-to-learn but venerable, fast, and full-featured editor. See this basic vim tutorial.


  • Variables store information and pass it from the shell to programs.

  • Programs look in the environment for particular variables and if they are found will use the values stored.

  • Some variables are set by the system, some by the users, yet others by the shell.

  • A user variable foo can be set to value bar like foo=bar.

  • You can check its value with echo $foo.

  • Spaces in bash are used to separate program arguments. So do not use spaces while assigning variables, e.g., foo = bar. This will try to call the command foo with arguments = and bar and hence give an error.

  • Other variables are split into two categories: ENVIRONMENT variables and SHELL variables.

    • Shell variables apply only to the current instance of the shell and are used to set short-term working conditions
    • Environment variables have a farther reaching significance, and those set at login are valid for the duration of the session.
    • Convention: Environment variables have UPPER CASE and shell variables have lower case names.
    • Environment variables are set using the setenv command, displayed using the printenv or env commands, and unset using the unsetenv command. To show all environment variables, use: printenv | less.
    • Shell variables are both set and displayed using the set command. They can be unset by using the unset command.
  • Examples:

    • The shell looks for locations to find programs in the order listed in your $PATH environment variable. The $PATH environment variable is a colon-separated list of directories. You can append more directories to it by: export PATH="$PATH:{new_dir}".
    • The $OSTYPE environment variable has the current operating system that a user is using.
    • $history is a shell variable. The value of this means how many shell commands to save, allowing users to scroll back through all the commands they have previously entered. Try echo $history.

Syntax and shortcuts

  • # starts a comment in Bash, except if you use shebang (#!). ! has a special meaning even within double-quoted (") strings.
  • A #! (shebang) tells the shell which program/interpreter is needed to run a script.
    • It is usually the first line of a script, e.g., #!/usr/bin/bash or #!/usr/bin/python.
    • If you don't want to assume where an interpreter is installed, you can instead use the env command (available in practically all unix-like systems with few exceptions), to search for a program in the path and then use it. E.g., #!/usr/bin/env python.
  • Use the {} shell operator to bunch things together.
    • Example: mkdir -p /home/user/tmp/{dir1,anotherdir,similardir}.
    • You can even do cartesian product this way, e.g., mkdir -p ~/project{1,2}/file{1,2,3}.txt.
    • You can use ranges within {} too, e.g., mkdir ~/file{a..d}.txt
  • In bash, $0 refers to the name of the script, while $1 through $9 refer to the next nine arguments passed.
  • $# gives you the number of arguments provided (excluding $0).
  • $$ is the process ID of the currently running command.
  • $@ expands to all the arguments given to the currently running command (excluding $0).
  • $? gives you the error code from the previous command.
  • $_ gives you the last argument from the previous command.
  • !! (bang bang) is replaced with the last command, e.g., if you want to execute your previous command with sudo, you can do sudo !!.
  • true and false can be used in bash as keywords and commands and have 0 and 1 as their error codes respectively.
  • || is the OR operator in bash, e.g., false || echo "oops" will execute false first and only if it fails (which it will because it has a non-zero error-code), will it execute the second command.
  • && is the AND operator, e.g., false && echo "Will not be printed" will not execute the echo command because false will return a non-zero exit code.
  • ; is the concatenation operator in bash and can be used to execute multiple commands sequentially.

Command substitution

  • You can store the output of a command into a variable with $() operator, e.g., foo=$(pwd) stores the output of the pwd command in the variable foo.
  • You can store the output of a command to a temporary file and redirect that file as an input to another command with <() operator, e.g., cat <(ls) <(ls ..).

Additional tips

  • You can install shellcheck to check your scripts and give you useful tips about errors or how to write better shell programs.
  • Functions have to be in the same language as the shell, while scripts can be written in any language, e.g., python. This is why including a shebang for scripts is important.
  • Functions are loaded once when their definition is read. Scripts are loaded every time they are executed. This makes functions slightly faster to load, but whenever you change them you will have to reload their definition.
  • Functions are executed in the current shell environment whereas scripts execute in their own process. Thus, functions can modify environment variables, e.g. change your current directory, whereas scripts can’t. Scripts will be passed by value environment variables that have been exported using export. E.g., if you use cd in a script directly and execute it, you won't end up in that directory after you finish executing that script from your shell. But if you source that script, you will end up in that directory.
  • As with any programming language, functions are a powerful construct to achieve modularity, code reuse, and clarity of shell code. Often shell scripts will include their own function definitions.

Wildcards and Globbing

Glob or globbing is used to refer to an instance of pattern matching behavior. To specify the pattern of file names, we can use the glob command. Refer to the following link for more details:

  • * is a wildcard and matches 0 or more character(s). E.g., ls *.py lists all files ending in .py extension.
  • ? matches exactly one character.
  • [...] matches any character in the character set. The set can be either a list of characters or a range separated with the hyphen character, e.g. [1,2,3] or [a-z].

These characters, e.g., *, ? etc. are called meta-characters and have special meanings depending on the program that sees them, including the shell itself. See this link for more such special characters. When we intend for the shell to pass these meta-chracters to a program as-it-is without the shell processing them in special ways, we use Quoting.


You put quotes around the inputs containing the meta-characters to tell the shell that they are not special - as far as the shell is concerned. When you quote a character, you ask the shell to leave it alone - and pass it on unchanged to the program. See a quick tutorial and the full guide. See the Bash quoting manual page for more information. Briefly, there are four methods of quoting:

  • Single quote: All special characters between these quotes lose their special meaning.
  • Double quote: Most special characters between these quotes lose their special meaning except: $ for parameter substitution, ` for command substitution, \$ to enable literal dollar sign, \' to enable literal single quotes, \` to enable literal back quotes, \" to enable embedded double quotes, \\ to enable embedded backslashes.
  • Backslash: Any character immediately following the backslash loses its special meaning.
  • Back quote: Anything in between back quotes would be treated as a command and would be executed.

Redirecting Input and Output

  • Most programs have an input stream (stdin), an output stream (stdout) and an error stream (stderr).
  • By default the input stream defaults to the keyboard and the output and error streams default to the terminal. But these can be redirected to files.
    • < re-wires the input of the program to a file.
    • > re-wires the output of the program to a file.
    • >> appends the output to an existing file.
    • 2> re-wires the error of the program to a file.
    • &> re-wires both stdout and stderr of the program to the same file.
  • /dev/null is a special file where anything you write is discarded. It's useful for redirecting outputs or errors of programs if you don't care about them, e.g., if you only care about successful execution of the program and its error code being 0.


  • A pipe | redirects output of a command as the input for another command. E.g., to only show the first ten entries of the ls command, it can be piped through the head command: ls | head.
  • Commands can take input from both arguments and STDIN. When piping commands, we are connecting STDOUT of a command to STDIN of another command.
  • When programs take input from files or produce output in files, you can use - instead of the input or output file name to tell them to take input from stdin or output to stdout. This is helpful for chaining commands with pipes. Example:
    • ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -frames 1 -f image2 - | convert - -colorspace gray - | gzip. Here, the first - tells ffmpeg to write to stdout instead of to a file. The subsequent -s tell convert tool to read and write from stdin and stdout too.


  • But some commands like tar take inputs from arguments. To bridge this disconnect there’s the xargs command.
  • xargs converts STDIN (or another piped stream) into a list of arguments and uses it to execute another command. Example: find ./ -name '*.py' | xargs grep -nr <pattern> finds all python files and searches for a pattern in them.
  • Use xargs to build and execute command lines from standard input. This allows easily piping outputs of commands to other commands as arguments.
    • Note you can control how many processes execute in parallel with -P.
    • -I{} is handy for piping outputs into a subsequent command at the right location and running the command multiple times. Example: cat ./hostnames.txt | xargs -I{} ssh root@{} hostname will run the ssh command with each hostname in hostnames.txt once.
  • Alternatively, use parallel to build and execute shell command lines from standard input in parallel. Very useful to run jobs in parallel, without using loops in sh scripts. See the manpage for details.


  • You can define functions in bash, e.g., make and change directory:
    mcd () {
      mkdir -p "$1"
      cd "$1"
  • If you define this function in a file:, you can even load it with: source and then use the function in the shell directly.

Conditional execution

  • You can write an if-else like:
    if [[ condition ]]; then
      # statements
    elif [[ condition ]]; then
      # statements
      # statements
  • [[ ]] is a shell keyword for the shell built-in called test which is used for comparisons and checking, e.g., if two variables are equal or if a file exists or if a file exists and is a directory etc. test terminates with error code 0 (true) or error code 1 (false).
    • not-equals example: [[ "$foo" -ne 0 ]].
    • When performing comparisons in bash, try to use double brackets [[ ]]`` in favor of simple brackets [ ]``. Chances of making mistakes are lower although it won’t be portable to sh. A more detailed explanation can be found here.
    • Do man test to learn more comparison and testing operators for bash.


  • You can write a for loop like:
    for file in "$@"; do
      # Do something here

Argument parsing

  • Manual argument parsing can be implemented in bash scripts by using the shift shell builtin, which operates on the positional parameters.
  • Each time we invoke shift, it "shifts" all the positional parameters down by one. $2 becomes $1, $3 becomes $2, and so on. See example:

echo "You start with $# positional parameters"
# Loop until all parameters are used up
while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
    echo "Parameter 1 equals $1"
    echo "You now have $# positional parameters"
    # Shift all the parameters down by one
  • Manual argument parsing can be done as follows with shift:

while [ "$1" != "" ]; do
    case $1 in
        -f | --file )           shift
        -i | --interactive )    interactive=1
        -h | --help )           usage
        * )                     usage
                                exit 1
  • More complex argument parsing can be achieved with getopt tool. See this short tutorial or this long tutorial for details on using getopt.

System Information

  • hostname: Displays the current hostname of the system. A superuser can set the hostname to a new one by supplying it as an argument (e.g. hostname {newhost}).
  • lscpu: Display details about your cpu architecture.
  • date: Get the current date and time. Also allows specifying formats to get the result in.

Root User/Superuser (sudo)

  • root user is the user with id 0 and full access to the system --> superuser.
  • Run commands as the root user by using the sudo command (do as superuser).
  • If you have to chain commands via pipe, sudo might only apply to the first command. Instead use # to run the full composed command as superuser, e.g.: # echo 1 > /sys/net/ipv4_forward.
  • Alternatively, run a superuser shell: sudo su.
  • Use sudo -s for a superuser shell.

Files and Directories

  • List information about the FILEs (default: current directory): ls [OPTION] [FILE]. Some useful flags for ls:
    • -a, --all: List all files (including hidden files starting with a .)
    • -d, --directory: List directories themselves, not their contents
    • -h, --human-readable: With -l and/or -s, print human readable sizes
    • -i, --inode: Print the index number (inode) of each file
    • -l: Long list format to display additional information (permissions, owner, group, size, date and timestamp of last edit) for each file and directory.
      • The permissions are shown via drwxrwxrwx bits.
      • The first bit is d for a directory, l for a link and - otherwise.
      • The three groups of rwx bits display read, write and execute permissions for the owner, group and others respectively.
      • The permissions are interpreted as follows for files:
        • r means you can read or copy a file.
        • w means you can edit the file.
        • x means you can execute the file as a program.
      • These permissions are interpreted differently for directories.
        • r means you are allowed to see/list (ls) what files are in the directory.
        • w means you are allowed to rename, move, remove or create files in that directory. So even if you have write permissions on a file in that directory, you can modify it but cannot delete it unless you also have write permissions on its directory.
        • x means you are allowed to search/enter (cd) the directory to access the files in it. You need to have execute permissions on a directory and all its parents to be able to enter it.
      • A dash - means a lack of a permission.
    • -R, --recursive: List subdirectories recursively
    • -s, --size: Print the allocated size of each file, in blocks
  • Change directory: cd {path_to_dir}. To go back to the previous working directory: cd -.
  • Present working directory: pwd.
  • Make directory: mkdir {dirname}. Use the -p option when creating a path to create parent directories as well.
  • Delete file/directory:
    • rm {filename}
    • rm -rf {dirname}: -r, -R, --recursive flag deletes directories and their contents recursively; -f, --force never prompts and forcefully deletes even non-empty directories.
    • rmdir {dirname} removes only an empty directory.
  • Copy: cp {src_file} {dst_file}. Can take FILE FILE or FILE DIR or -r DIR DIR.
  • Move/Cut/Rename: mv {src_file} {dst_file}. Can take FILE FILE or FILE DIR or -r DIR DIR.
  • cat: List the contents of file or multiple files, e.g. cat {filename} or cat *.txt. cat actually concatenates its input files into a single output.
  • head {filename}: Displays the beginning of a file. Use -n to specify the number of lines to show (default: 10) or -c to specify the number of bytes.
  • tail {filename}: Displays the end of a file. The starting point in the file can be specified either through -c for bytes or -n for number of lines. tail -f {filename} allows viewing growing files.
  • less {filename}: Command line utility to display contents of a file or command output, one page at a time and allows navigating both forward and backward. It doesn’t read the entire file, leading to faster load times compared to text editors like vim or nano. Hence, it is mostly used for opening large files. less +F allows viewing growing files.q
  • df: Displays the disk space available and used on the mounted filesystems. Use -h for human-readable format for sizes.
  • du: Displays disk usage of a file or directory, e.g. du -hd2 {dirname} where -h flag makes sizes human-readable and -d{number} sets the recursion depth for subdirectories. E.g., checking disk usage of users: sudo du -hd1 /home | sort -hr. This lists all users' disk usage in human-readable format (-h) upto depth 1 (-d1) and pipes it to the sort tool to arrange the list in reverse order by size (-r).
  • inodes: Can check inodes of files with ls -i or df -i.
  • tree: Show a directory and all subdirectories and files indented as a tree structure. Also see a fancier alternative called broot.
  • Your home directory: /home/{username}/. Can navigate to home folder:
    cd ~
    cd /home/{username}
    In sh scripts refer to the home directory as $HOME. Note: The root user's home directory, unlike normal users, is located at /root/ not /home/root/.
  • There are also special directories: . (current directory), .. (parent directory) and ~ (home directory), which can be used with cd, ls or to specify relative paths in general.
  • tee {filename} copies standard input to standard output, making a copy in {filename}. Useful for logging. E.g.: echo hello | tee file.txt.
  • xdg-open {filename} opens files from a shell. By default, it'll use the default application for that file. If the file is in the form of a URL, the file will be opened as a URL. In MacOS, just use open {filename} instead.
  • touch {filename} sets the modification and access times of files. If {filename} does not exist, it is created with default permissions.


  • chmod: For the owner to change permissions for a file.
    • Can use symbols u (user that owns the file), g (the files group) and o (other users) and the permissions r (read), w (write) and x (execute).
    • Using chmod u+x {filename} will add execute permission for the owner of the file.
    • Can also encode the ugo permissions into 3 octals in range {0-7} each representing the rwx values, e.g., chmod 764 {file} gives read, write and execute permissions (111 = 7) to the user, read and write permissions (110 = 6) to the group, and read permissions (100 = 4) to others.
  • chown: For the superuser to change the user and/or group that owns a file.
    • Syntax: chown [-R] [[user]][:group] target1 [[target2 ..]] where -R allows recursive changes within a speified target directory.
    • E.g., sudo chown {username}:{grpname} {filename} will change the owner of {filename} to {username} and the group to {grpname}.

Hard and Soft Links

A symbolic or soft link is a special sort of file that points to a different file's path (like shortcuts in Windows). A hard link, on the other hand, points to the exact inode (memory address) of the original file.

If you delete the original file, the soft link has no value, because it points to a non-existent file. But for hard links, even if you delete the original file, the hard link still points to the original file data.

In a soft link, the connection is a logical one, and not a duplication. So soft links can point at entire directories or cross file systems and link to files on remote computers. Hard links cannot do this.

However, hard links are not copies of a file since they don't duplicate the contents of the file. So if you modify the content of a copy, it has no effect on the original. However if you create a hard link to a file and change the content of either of the files, the change will be seen on both.

In a nutshell, a soft link:

  • can cross the file system
  • allows you to link between directories
  • has separate inode number and file permissions than original file
  • has only the path of the original file, not the contents
  • created by ln -s {source} {softlink}

A hard link:

  • can't cross the file system boundaries (only works on the same filesystem)
  • can't link directories
  • has the same inode number and permissions of the original file
  • points to the actual contents of original file, so you can still view the contents, even if the original file is moved or removed
  • created by ln {source} {hardlink}

File Systems

  • The mount command attaches the filesystem on some device to your device's file tree. The umount command detaches it.
    • Attach with mount {device} {dir}.
    • Detach with umount {dir}. umount {device} will work, except if device was mounted on more than one directory.
  • fdisk: Manipulate disk partition table
  • mkfs: Build a Linux filesystem
  • lsblk: List block devices. Great for listing partitions and their sizes.


  • zip (or unzip) can be used to compress (or extract) files into (or from) zip archives.
  • tar can also create tar archives for compression. To compress: tar -cvzf {filename.tar.gz} [{dirname/}]. To extract: tar -xvzf {filename.tar.gz}.

Finding, Searching and Processing files


  • grep: Search inside files for certain search patterns, e.g. grep "search" *.txt will look in all the files in the current directory ending with .txt for the string search. grep supports regular expressions which allows special letter combinations to be included in the search. Some useful flags:

    • -n: Print line numbers from files where pattern matches
    • -r: Recursive flag (for directories)
    • -w: Match only whole words
    • -x: Match only whole lines
    • -v: Select lines which do not match any of the patterns specified
    • -f: Specify the file containing the patterns to search for
    • -i: Ignore case in patterns and data
    • -m: Maximum number of matches to output
    • -H: Print file name with output lines
    • -h: Suppress the file name prefix with output
    • -o: Prints only the matching part of lines
  • ripgrep (invoked via rg) is a faster alternative to grep which recursively searches the current directory. Try tldr rg.

  • tr is a utility for string processing. Do man tr.


  • find {path}: Searches a path and subdirectories for files matching certain patterns.
    • -user: Can specify owning user.
    • -type: Can specify f or d to find only files or directories respectively.
    • -name {pattern}: Can specify a pattern to match in the name.
    • -iname {pattern}: Case-insensitive specification to match in the name.
    • E.g., find all files owned by a user: find / -user <username> &> <filename>.
    • E.g., find zip files with size in [500k, 10M]: find . -size +500k -size -10M -name '*.tar.gz'.
    • See this link for many useful examples of the find command.
  • You can also execute certain commands on all found files.
    • E.g., remove them: find ./ -name ".tmp" -exec rm {} \;. The ; ends the -exec option and needs to be escaped to protect it from interpretation by the shell.
  • There is also the fd tool which aims to be faster and easier to use than find. Try tldr fd.


  • sed (stream editor) is a programming language to edit streams.
  • But its best used for making replacements on expressions in files or streams with the s command.
  • sed 's/foo/bar/' {file} substitutes the first occurence of "foo" with "bar" in every line of {file}.
  • sed commands can be chained with ;. E.g.,
    • sed 's/foo/bar/; s/ /_' {file} replaces the first instance of "foo" with "bar" in all lines of {file}. It then replaces the first space of each line with an underscore.
  • The g flag replaces all instances in every line instead of the first, e.g., sed 's/foo/bar/g'.
  • The search patterns accept regular expressions, e.g.,
    • echo 'bcbzac' | sed 's/[ab]//g' replaces all instances of "a" or "b" from the echoed stream "bcbzac".
    • echo 'abcaba' | sed 's/\(ab\)//g or echo 'abcaba' | sed -E 's/(ab)//g' replaces all instances of "ab" from the echoed stream "abcaba".
    • sed by default uses standard regular expressions, but the -E flag above lets it uses extended (modern) regular expressions.
  • sed can also do other stuff like injecting text (i command), printing lines (p command), selecting lines by index etc. Do man sed.


  • awk is a column-based stream processing language and allows operating on whitespace separated columnar data.
  • It is actually a full programming language but operating on columnar data is its best use-case.
  • awk programs take the form of an optional pattern plus a block saying what to do if the pattern matches a given line. Examples:
    • awk '{print $2}' {file} will print the second column of file. The default pattern (which we used here) matches all lines. Inside the {...} block, $0 is set to the entire line’s contents, and $1 through $n are set to the n-th field (column) of that line, when separated by the awk field separator (whitespace by default, change with -F). In this case, for every line, it'll print the contents of the second field (column).
    • awk '$1 == 1 && $2 ~ /^c.*e$/ {print $0}' {file} prints the full line ({print $0}) where the first column is "1" ($1 == 1) and the second column matches the regular expression /^c.*e$/ i.e. the second column value starts with "c" and ends with "e". Notice that we now have a pattern (the stuff that goes before {...}).
    • To count how many such rows exist, awk 'BEGIN { rows = 0 } $1 == 1 && $2 ~ /^c.*e$/ {rows += 1} END { print rows }' {file}. Here BEGIN and END are patterns which only match the beginning and end of the input respectively. So the statements following them (initializing and printing rows) are only executed at the beginning and end of the file. The intermediate statements for column checking and incrementing rows are executed after each row.

cut and paste

  • cut allows you to cut and retrieve parts of files. E.g.: cut -d " " -f 2 file.txt chunks file.txt by the space delimiter and returns the second field/element. Do man cut to read more about different ways to cut and retrieve.
  • paste is used to process lines of a file and often to concatenate them into a single line.
    • -s option concatenates each line in a file separated by a tab.
    • -d allows specifying a different delimiter other than tab.


  • whereis {command} finds the location of a command. It looks through standard program locations until it finds the requested command.
  • sort {filename} can sort all lines in a file. It can even take and sort lines from multiple files and merge them.
    • Option -r reverses the sort.
    • Option -n allows numeric sort (instead of lexicographic).
    • Option -k allows specifying a whitespace-separated column to use as key for sorting. Also has syntax to support or column ranges multiple columns for subsequent sorts.
  • uniq {filename} extracts only the unique lines in a file.
    • It only compares adjacent lines so the file must be sorted first.
    • -c also prints the count for all unique lines found.
  • wc {filename} gives the line, word and character/byte count in a file. Can also use flags -w, -l, -c and -m to extract word count, line count, byte count and character count independently.
  • diff allows you to check differences between files or directories.


  • ping utility is usually used to check if communication can be made with another host, e.g.:
  • nmap is a network exploration and scanning tool. It can return port and OS information about a host or a range of hosts. Running just nmap will display the options available as well as example usage.
  • ifconfig: Displays the network configuration details for the interfaces on the current system when run without any arguments (useful to check your ip address). By supplying the name of an interface (e.g. eth0 or lo) you can then alter the configuration.
  • ip: Show/manipulate routing, network devices, interfaces and tunnels. Typing ip -c address can show you the ip address for all the network interfaces on the current system (-c adds color to the output).
  • traceroute: Print the route packets trace to a network host.
  • dig: TODO: Learn more.
  • route: TODO: Learn more.


  • ssh denotes Secure Shell to connect to another remote machine using an encrypted network connection. Example usage: ssh {username}@{ipaddress}. Type in your password next and connect to the {ipaddress}.
  • See this page for a brief SSH tutorial.
  • Passwordless SSH: To configure your machine to ssh into another remote machine without typing a password every time, you need to use an SSH key. To generate an SSH key:
    • Checking for Existing SSH Keys: First, run ls ~/.ssh. If you see files named or then you have keys set up already, so you can skip the 'Generate new SSH keys' step below.
    • Generate new SSH Keys: Run ssh-keygen. You will be asked where to save the key with a recommended default location (~/.ssh/id_rsa). Press Enter. You can enter an optional passphrase to encrypt the private SSH key, so that if someone else copied the key, they could not impersonate you to gain access. Type a passphrase here or leave it empty for no passphrase and press Enter. Run ls ~/.ssh and you should see the files id_rsa and The id_rsa file is your private key to be kept on your machine. The file is your public key to share with remote machines that you connect to. When the machine you try to connect to matches up your public and private key, it will allow you to connect.
    • Copy your Key to your remote machine: Using the machine which you will be connecting from, append the public key to your authorized_keys file on the remote machine by sending it over SSH: ssh-copy-id {username}@{ipaddress} during which you need to authenticate with your password. Alternatively, you can copy the file manually over SSH: cat ~/.ssh/ | ssh {username}@{ipaddress} 'mkdir -p ~/.ssh && cat >> ~/.ssh/authorized_keys'.
    • Now try ssh {username}@{ipaddress} to connect without a password prompt.
    • TODO: Find out more about basics of passwordless authentication, via ssh-agent, ssh-add, etc.

Download/upload files

  • scp: Copies files between different machines using ssh. Example usage: scp {filename} {username}@{ipaddress}:{dirname}[/filename].
  • Download a file from the web directly to the computer with wget, e.g. wget will download the file to your computer as See wget --help or man wget for more options. You can also download full websites this way with wget -r {url}.
  • curl: Download or upload a file to/from a server. By default, it will output the file contents to the screen.


  • ps: View processes that are currently running and their PIDs.
  • pstree -p is a helpful display of the process tree.
  • topand htop: Real-time list of processes and their consumption of system resources.
  • glances: Display all processes and resource (cpu, ram, hard disk etc.) consumption.
  • Run a command/process in the background independently of the shell by including an & at the end of the command, freeing up the shell for future commands.
    • To check the status of your job, use the command ps.
    • To bring a background process to the foreground, use the command fg.
    • If there are more than one job suspended in the background, use the command: fg {job_number}.
    • The job numbers are shown in the first column of the output of the jobs command.

Killing processes

kill, pkill and killall can be used to terminate or send specific system signals to processes.


  • Terminate running processes based on name: killall [pname]. killall will terminate all programs that match the name specified.
  • Without additional arguments, it sends SIGTERM, or signal number 15, which terminates running processes that match the name specified. You may specify a different signal as follows:
killall -s 9 [pname]
killall -KILL [pname]
killall -SIGKILL [pname]
killall -9 [pname]

All the above send the SIGKILL signal which is more successful at ending a particularly unruly processes.

  • -w causes killall to wait until the process terminates.


  • Terminate processes based on PID: kill {PID} or job_number: kill {job_number}.
  • Without options, kill sends SIGTERM to the PID specified and asks the application or service to shut itself down.
  • Multiple PIDs and alternate system signals can be specified, e.g.:
kill -s KILL [PID]
kill -KILL [PID]

The above examples all send the SIGKILL signal to the PID specified.


  • Kills process by process name, but can also match regular expressions. See man pkill.


  • List all available signals without description: kill -l or killall -l.
  • If you need to convert a signal name into a signal number, or a signal number into a signal name: kill -l 9 returns KILL or kill -l kill returns 9.

Executing programs without forking a new process

The exec command replaces the current shell process with the specified command. Normally, when you run a command a new process is spawned (forked). The exec command is executed in place of the current shell without creating a new process. The command implements Unix exec system call.

  • exec [command] [arg ...]


  • whoami: Display your username.
  • Add new user: sudo adduser {username}
    • Can also use useradd to add a new user. useradd is native binary compiled with the system. adduser is a more user friendly and interactive perl script which uses useradd in back-end, but no difference in features.
    • Can use the -e, --expiredate option to specify an expiry date, e.g.: sudo useradd -e 2020-07-30 {username}.
    • Contents of /etc/skel/ are copied to any new user's home folder. Add or modify files such as .bashrc in /etc/skel/ to your requirements for new users.
  • See what groups a user is in: groups {username}
  • Granting superuser priveleges to a user:
    • With usermod: usermod -aG sudo {username}
    • Edit the /etc/sudoers file or add them using visudo. visudo opens the /etc/sudoers configuration file in the system's default editor. Using visudo is recommended because it locks the file against multiple simultaneous edits and performs a sanity check on its contents before overwriting the file.
      • sudo visudo
      • Look for:
      root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
      • Below this line, copy the format by changing only the word "root" to reference the user that you would like to give sudo privileges to:
      root    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
      {username} ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
    • To allow passwordless root access, change to NOPASSWD: ALL, e.g.:
      • root  ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
        {username} ALL = NOPASSWD: ALL
  • Many important user settings can be changed via usermod like home directory, username, groups, shell, UID etc. See man usermod.
  • Enter su to switch to a new user account: su - {username}
  • Deleting a user account: sudo deluser -r {username}. -r, --remove-home removes their home folder also. After deleting a user, use visudo to remove sudo access for that user to prevent a new user created with the same name from being accidentally given sudo privileges.
  • Change username of a user: sudo usermod -l {new_username} {old_username}
  • Set password of a user: sudo passwd {username}. See more flags:
    • -d, --delete: Delete password of user
    • -l, --lock: Lock password of a user
    • -u, --unlock: Unlock password of a user
    • -S, --status: Password status of a user
    • -e, --expire: Force expire password of a user
  • User password expiry:
    • Set expiry date for user password: chage -E 2020-07-30 {username}. See this link for more options.
    • View password expiry information for user: chage -l {username}.
  • Unlock user and set new expiry: usermod -U -e {YYYY-mm-dd} {username}
  • Change shell for a user: sudo chsh {username}.
  • Change details of a user: sudo chfn {username}.
  • Listing all local users: cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd, where cut cuts each line of the file /etc/passwd by reading fields delimited by colon (-d:) and selecting the first field (-f1).

Installing software

Use apt or apt-get tool to install softwares. apt keeps a list of software sources on your system in a file: /etc/apt/sources.list.

  • Update the list of available software: sudo apt update.
  • Install a package: sudo apt install {package}.
  • Remove a package: sudo apt remove {package}.
  • Completely remove the package and its associated configuration files: sudo apt purge {package}.
  • Can use a -y flag to answer the yes/no prompt with a yes in install, remove, purge.
  • Upgrading packages:
    • Upgrade all packages: sudo apt upgrade.
    • Upgrade a certain package: sudo apt install --upgrade {package}.
  • Search archives for a package with a given keyword: apt-cache search {keyword}.
  • View more information about a package before installing it: apt-cache show {package}.

Use pip to install python packages. See a detailed tutorial here. Some common usage syntaxes below.

  • pip install {package}: Install a python package.
  • pip list: List all installed packages in the environment and their version numbers.
  • pip show {package}: Display info about a package.
  • pip install -i {index} {package}: Install package from a different index as opposed to the default PyPI index.
  • pip freeze > requirements.txt: Create a requirements.txt file with all packages installed in the current environment and their version numbers.
  • pip install -r requirements.txt: Install all packages from requirements.txt.

Miscellaneous Stuff


  • convert tool allows many image manipulation operations from the shell. Some examples below:
    • Convert png to jpg: convert image.png image.jpg or convert image.{png,jpg}.
    • Merge multiple jpgs vertically: convert pic1.jpg pic2.jpg pic3.jpg -append pic.jpg.
    • Scale an image to 50% size: convert image.png -resize 50% output_image.png.
    • Create a GIF from a series of images with 100ms delay between them: convert image1.png image2.png ... -delay 10 animation.gif.
    • Do man convert to learn more.


  • ffmpeg allows many video operations from the shell.
    • Convert an image sequence into a video: ffmpeg -framerate 30 -pattern_type glob -i '*.jpg' -c:v libx264 -pix_fmt yuv420p out.mp4.
    • Extract the sound from a video and save it as MP3: ffmpeg -i video.mp4 -vn sound.mp3.
    • Combine numbered images into video or GIF: ffmpeg -i frame_%d.jpg -f image2 video.mpg|video.gif.
    • Extract one frame from video at time mm:ss and save it as a 128x128 resolution image: ffmpeg -ss mm:ss -i video.mp4 -frames 1 -s 128x128 -f image2 image.png.
    • Trim a video from start time mm:ss to end time mm2:ss2 (omit -to flag to trim till the end): ffmpeg -ss mm:ss -to mm2:ss2 -i video.mp4 -codec copy output.mp4.


  • bc starts the berkeley calculator on the terminal.
  • It can also read input from files and streams, e.g., echo "2+3" | bc.
  • Preferable to always use with -l option so it loads standard math libraries too.
  • Examples:
    • Add all numbers in a file with one number in each line: cat file.txt | paste -sd+ | bc -l.
    • More elaborate expressions: echo "2*($(data | paste -sd+))" | bc -l.


  • Install a command-line calendar with sudo apt install ncal.

  • ncal shows a vertical or cal shows a horizontal calendar of the current month.

  • ncal also highlights the current day but can be turned off with -h.

  • Other useful options for cal and ncal:

    • cal -3 shows three months: current, previous and next.
    • Display a specific month: cal {month} {year} or cal -d {yyyy-mm}.
    • cal -A3 -B2 shows 2 months before, 3 after and the current month.
    • ncal -C turns ncal into the horizontal cal but retains the current date highlight.
  • Can also use more advanced command-line calendar packages like khal.


  • gnupplot is a commnad-line plotting tool plus language.
  • Learn more about it by looking for a tutorial.


  • spd-say <text> sends text-to-speech output request to speech-dispatcher.


  • Version control tools are useful for coding. [TODO] Learn more about git by googling for a good tutorial.
  • cloc can be used to count lines of code in a directory, project or file. Examples:
    • cloc ./ for a directory
    • cloc $(git ls-files) for a git repo

Regular expressions

  • Regular expressions are usually (though not always) surrounded by /.
  • Most ASCII characters just carry their normal meaning, but some characters have “special” matching behavior.
  • Exactly which characters do what vary somewhat between different implementations of regular expressions, which is a source of great frustration.
  • Very common patterns are:
    • . matches any single character, except newline.
    • * matches 0 or more of the preceding match.
      • So .* means match 0 or more of any characters.
      • * is greedy so it tries to match as much as possible by default. If this is not desired, use *? instead to stop at the first possible match found.
    • + matches 1 or more of the preceding match (suffixing with ? makes it non-greedy).
    • ? matches 0 or 1 of the previous character.
    • ^ matches the beginning of a line.
    • $ matches the end of a line.
    • [...] matches any of the characters in the square braces, e.g., [ab] can match "a" or "b".
    • (...) forms a capture group which matches only the sequence inside the parentheses. So (abc) will match only "abc". The matching parts of these capture groups can be retrieved from the full match.
    • | specifies OR within a capture group, e.g., (ab|bc) matches "ab" or "bc".
    • \s matches any whitespace character (Use [[:space:]] instead on non-GNU programs, like in macOS).


Regular expressions match in a single line by default. They don't match across lines.

  • \0 refers to the full exact match found.
  • \1 refers to the match found for capture group 1.
  • \2 refers to the match found for capture group 2 and so on.


  • You can use free online debugging tools like regex101 for building and debugging your regular expressions.


Learn more about regular expressions with this tutorial.


  • Show a zoomable world map: telnet
  • nvidia-smi: Monitor nvidia gpu usage.
  • watch: Repeat a command periodically and update output on terminal. Example: watch -n 5 nvidia-smi monitors the gpu usage every 5 seconds.
  • /usr/share/dict/words contains a dictionary of words.
  • journalctl keeps system logs on linux (use log show on macOS).
    • This is a huge continuously growing file, so might need less to view it.
    • Use the help options for the commands to learn more.

Advanced Topics

  • Scheduling tasks can be done with Cron. See a Cron tutorial here.
  • In order to have a command or program run when the computer boots, you can access run control (rc) or add commands to the rc.local file. See more details here.
  • Use systemd to create services. See this brief tutorial.
  • Some useful commands specifically for MacOS can be found here.


Cheatsheet for useful Ubuntu commands






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