Kourse Structre is Not Structured
You can view the project at ksns.herokuapp.
This repository is about Machine Learning and Kumar Srinivas.
Everyone in our wing knows that there is no one more regular in going to classes than our Kumar Srinivas.
I watched him every day, crossing my doors with a red bag, whatta scenery in motion!
I always wondered at times like these, is it this hard to become a Civil Engineer?
- If you don't want to take the classes under a particular department but would like to learn the concepts.
- If you don't want to carry red bags on your shoulders but would like to get smarter two day before exams.
This is for you:
- Why not look for a similar course in a different department.
- Why not just say Kumar Srinivas's Not from South.
KSNS compares syllabus of two subjects. The recommendation scores reflect the overlap of the syllabi between two subjects.
It uses a simple mathematical tool called Singular Value Decomposition.
>>> print_top_k('IM21003', sliced, 5, different_dep = True)
Most similar courses to IM21003 OPERATIONS RESEARCH-I
[[0.5085419334812452, 'MI40036'],
[0.5085419334812452, 'MI31007 - QUANTITATIVE DECISION MAKING'],
[0.48840891191756297, 'MA30014 - OPERATION RESEARCH'],
[0.4018718822832945, 'MA41010 - NON LINEAR PROGRAMMING'],
[0.3841769601752256, 'MA51122']]
Most similar courses to MA21007 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS
[[0.7550651497969045, 'CS21003 - ALGORITHMS - I'],
[0.6481640930260969, 'CS60007'],
[0.6351085358433876, 'CS40008'],
[0.6330704251733447, 'IT60101'],
[0.6119399635618148, 'CS60047']]
>>> print_top_k('MA21007', sliced, 5) # Can be same dep
Most similar courses to MA21007 DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS
[[0.9871067434313293, 'MA60002'],
[0.895290263976874, 'MA69004'],
[0.8497129570752778, 'MA29005 - DESIGN AND ANALYSIS OF ALGORITHMS LAB.'],
[0.77405422041257, 'MA61014'],
[0.7550651497969045, 'CS21003 - ALGORITHMS - I']]
There are few courses whose name is missing in the file. You can use MetaKGP's dump to rectify that. Thanks!