Web App of the JIIT Programming Hub.
##Link for presentation:
- Python ( Flask web framework ) for creating API.
- MongoDB as the primary database.
- Redis - a key-value in-memory data storage.
- Semantic UI
- Angular JS & jQuery.
- OAuth 2.0 for high-level authentication on server side.
- Site will be served through nginx server
##Bold Features:
- Webkiosk Authentication, while signing up for security purposes
- Option for signing in with Fb using Facebook Graph API
- Included Google Re-captcha while Signing Up and Signing In
- All the activities of Programming Hub Group on Facebook will be synced (posts, photos etc) - using Graph API-using AngularJS
- OAuth 2.0 for high-level authentication on the server side.
- Site is served by Nginx server
- College’s Rank list was synced with competitive programming sites like Codechef and Codeforces
- Discussion forum like StackOverflow based on “Reputation”, which will ensure that there is no spamming
- Blogs feature (with markdown-using AngularJS) which allows the user to post blog on the home page of the website.
- View and solve problems asked in previous “Execute”, “Knuth Cup” and other competitions hosted by the Programming Hub.
- Admin page for adding problems and serve editorials for these problems, (here too markdown is used for writing expressions, etc which otherwise can't be written in plain text)