This is a github repo of Chimes (originally developed by Alex Richings which has all the dependencies in one place with new features added by Niranjan and Daniel.
INSTALLATION NOTES (also very useful notes by Alex Richings here based on which these instructions are compiled):
- Clone the repo from
- Clone the data repo from inside chimes-IGNIS. This is large in size so couldn't be added to chimes-IGNIS and any new data can be updated as well by directly pulling from this repo. - In case the files are not being downloaded properly, perform a "git lfs install". Sometimes just the file pointers are downloaded when a repo with large files is cloned.
- untar the 'sundials-5.8.0.tar.gz' and 'cd' to the sundials-5.8.0 directory to run the following commands - mkdir build - cd build - cmake -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/path/to/install/dir/ -DBUILD_ARKODE=OFF -DBUILD_CVODE=ON -DBUILD_CVODES=OFF -DBUILD_IDA=OFF -DBUILD_IDAS=OFF -DBUILD_KINSOL=OFF -DBUILD_SHARED_LIBS=ON -DBUILD_STATIC_LIBS=ON -DCMAKE_C_FLAGS="-O2" -DEXAMPLES_ENABLE_C=OFF -DSUNDIALS_PRECISION=double ../ - If you had an error about cmake version, do a "module load cmake" - make - make install - export LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/path/to/install/dir/lib64:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH - The last command can also be added to the .bashrc fmile to avoid having to run it each time while compiling chimes
- Add the path to sundials installation directory in the chimes Makefile parameter "SUNDIALS_PATH" - hdf5 paths are left blank, if the system fails to automatically detect it, proper paths should be added - run 'make' - "" should be created which is the file we wanted to build.
- We now need to install Meshoid (developed by Mike Grudic which is needed to calculate the density gradient needed for the Sobolev shielding length calculations if chosen. - cd to the meshoid directory available in chimes-IGNIS and execute the following commands - python install --prefix=/desired/path/to/meshoidlib - add this '/path/+/lib/python3.8/site-packages/meshoid-1.41-py3.8.egg' to the PYTHONPATH (and in bash to avoid having to run it each time while using chimes)
TO RUN: Inside chimes-driver directory:
- Add the paths of '' and chimes-data directory to the chimes parameter file.
- Add the snapshot path to input_file parameter in the parameter file
- Please manually provide the correct redshift of the snapshot in the parameter file.
- To run in parallel: - mpirun -np 40 python GIZMO_snapshot_eqm_state.param
- To run in serial:
- mpirun -np 1 python GIZMO_snapshot_eqm_state.param
- Using mpirun because sometimes executables don't run without that on interactive nodes. One can also run "unset SLURM_JOBID" before to run the python command in a usual way without mpirun.