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  • Rails app to do internal reviews at Nilenso.

Dev setup

rbenv install 2.7.2
gem install bundler
bundle install

Deployment guide

  • Create an app on Heroku.
  • Add the Heroku Postgres add-on under the Resources tab.
  • Go to the Deploy tab and set the Heroku git remote as instructed.
  • Log in to using your nilenso e-mail.
  • Create a project under the nilenso organization, to manage OAuth credentials for the app.
  • Enable the Contacts API and the Google+ API for the project.
  • Under the Credentials tab, create a new "Client ID for Web Application".
  • You'll be asked to enter the authorized Javascript origin and the redirect URI. The redirect path for the app is /users/auth/google_oauth2/callback. Thus, the redirect URI will look something like http[s]://
  • After you save, you will be presented with a client ID and a client secret. On the Heroku dashboard under Settings, add the google_client_id and google_client_secret config variables.
  • Run bundle exec rake secret to generate a secret key. On the Heroku dashboard, add it under the secret_key_base config variable.
  • Run git push heroku master to deploy. That's it!

Since 2019

  • We use heroku Review Apps (not to be confused with the name of this repo itself) to generate new installs of the reviews apps
  • This is done by making a pull request on this repo, which in turn auto-creates a new instance for the app
  • For consistency, please name these PRs as "create-new-for-"

Since March 2022

  • We have shifted to use since Heroku became unusable in India.
  • The steps for creating a new install for this app are the same. Refer to "Since 2019" section of this README.