A collection of commonly used utility functions/helper functions for re-frame.
If you've been using the magical reagent and re-frame libraries, and are anything like me, you will have implemented a bunch of helper functions that manage common subscription and event/handler registration events that you create. After copy and pasting these like a pleb from project to project it seemed like about time to put together a library that has commonly used ones. The purpose of this library is to add syntactic sugar to help you reduce the lines of code you need to write when using re-frame.
If you have any additional helper functions you wish to submit or suggest, please make a pull request or add an issue!
To begin using the library ensure you have the latest reframe-utils included in your leiningen or boot dependencies and add the following to any namespaces you wish to use the utilities with.
It's worth noting that all of the utilities in this library can handle namespaced keywords, e.g. :library/books, intelligently.
(require [reframe-utils.core :as rf-utils])
Used to register a basic get query from the database
(reg-basic-sub :common/active-page)
;; Equivalent to
(reg-basic-sub :common/active-page :common/active-page)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db _]
(:common/active-page db)))
(reg-sub-by-id :common/pages)
;; Equivalent to
(reg-sub-by-id :common/pages :common/pages)
;; Equivalent to
(reg-sub-by-id :common/pages :common/pages :id)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ id]]
(->> :common/pages
(get db)
(fn [item]
(= (get item :id) id)))
Used to register a basic associative set to a keyworded value in the database
(reg-set-event :active-page)
;; Equivalent to
(reg-set-event :set-active-page :active-page)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ page]]
(assoc db :active-page page)))
Unless specified otherwise, event/handler utilities you can do crazy stuff like this which lets you update/change values of nested keywords
(reg-set-event :set-deep-deep-value [:deep :super-deep :super-duper-deep])
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ page]]
(assoc-in db [:deep :super-deep :super-duper-deep] page)))
Used to register a basic conj update to a keyworded value in the database
(reg-add-event :cases/add-case :cases/case)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ case]]
(update db :cases/case conj case)))
Used to register a basic replace update to a keyworded value in the database. Requires a given old and new value.
(reg-update-event :cases/update-case :cases/case)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ old-case new-case]]
(update db :cases/case #(replace {old new} %))))
Used to register a basic remove update to a keyworded value in the database. Removes the exact value that is passed through.
(reg-remove-event :cases/delete-case :cases/case)
;; Equivalent to
(fn [db [_ case]]
(update db :cases/case
(fn [cases]
(remove #(= % case) cases)))))
View source for usage details. More docs to come eventually...
View source for usage details. More docs to come eventually...
Used to generate multiple events or subscriptions at one go
(multi-generation reg-basic-sub
[:active-cow :cow])
;; will generate two subscriptions, active-page and active-cow
(reg-ajax-get-event "/api/request-call" :data)
;; Equivalent to
(reg-ajax-get-event "/api/request-call" :get-data :data)
;; You would then dispatch the event as follows
(dispatch [:get-data])
;; If there are variable uri params to pass through you can register an event as follows
(reg-ajax-get-event "/api/items/%s" :item)
;; And then you would dispatch it like so
(dispatch [:get-item 1]) ;; => call GET on "/api/items/1" and assoc-in the response to :item
View source for usage details. More docs to come eventually...
View source for usage details. More docs to come eventually...
Copyright © 2016 Nikola Peric
Distributed under the MIT License