live link - wolf share
Tech Stack: EJS, Tailwind CSS, Express.js, Node.js, MongoDB
pages name
- home
- account
- pricing
- send file
- download
- admin
- success
📂 Steps:
- Go to the Home Page.
- Click the Browse File option to select a file.
- Hit the Upload Button to upload the file.
- After uploading, you can choose to share the file via email. Alternatively, visit the Account Page to manage or share files later.
👤 Overview: The Account Page allows you to:
- Perform CRUD operations on uploaded files.
- Share files or preview them.
- Access details of all your files and user info for efficient file management.
💳 Details: The Pricing Page outlines the Free and Premium Plans, along with their benefits and advantages.
This application is deployed on Vercel for easy and fast accessibility.
To start both the Tailwind CSS and Node.js server, run:
yarn dev
EMAIL_HOST= your host
EMAIL_USER = your email
EMAIL_PASSWORD = gmail smtp pass
EMAIL_PORT = your smtp port
here in wolf share we used svg icon from hugeIcons
here i used tailwind default font and IBM plex mono from google fonts
for smtp server i use gmail
the api/index.js is a main file , in this project we are going to share any file to any person using email services , for this we need to first upload the file to the cloud then it send to the receiver (a person who will receive this file) , for this we need to specify the sender and receiver email
for cloud i used dropbox cloud for storing the files there dropbox you can create your account here also "# wolf-share"