- Authors: Rui Fontes and Ângelo Abrantes, based on work of Marcos António de Oliveira
- Updated in 24/03/2020
- Download [stable version][1]
- Compatibility: NVDA version 2019.3 and posteriors
This add-on provides a way to insert quickly blocks of text you type frequently in documents you write.
To start using this add-on you will need to fill the blocks of text you want to use. For that, first press Windows+f12. It will be displayed a dialog where you can press Tab to access the "Add" button. Activate it to create a new block. In the first dialog, type the name of the block and press Enter or activate the "Ok" button. It will present a dialog to type the block of text, one line at a time. If you want to include a blank line, type only a space. After each line you are prompted if you want to create one mor line or not. When done, you will be returned to the main add-on dialog with the list of blocks.
To paste the block of text in the edit field, just select the block and press Enter.