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###RELEASE 0.0.3
based on an inference engine of modular knowledge based components.
implentation in php 5.3 and Mysql
run install .sql
copy config.sample.php to config.php and conigue config.php to use the respective database credentials
navigate to clients/cmd and run ./stream from shell.
Recognized commands
STARTUP: boot the machine from the chat client
SHUTDOWN: halt the machine and take a snapshot of the state
####Some key components of the inference engine:
- the state is a store of all of the current data being processed.
- it provides context that modules can be dependent upon.
- stores unique values about the agent such as name age etc. A way to decouple from the fact storag.
Sense of Environment
- the default environment is the sreaming cmd php-cli script which processes STDIN and STDOUT from the shell
Self Actualization
- the agent should keep memory of its successes and failures and evolve upon these
- should use novel search algorithms to promote exploration and evolution
each knowledge based module has a database and a set of policies
modules use the obsever/subject paradigm to promote decoupling
handles IO processing between the client and the core IO Buffer
should have a lot of observers attached
uses NLP dependency to tokenize sentence and convery meaning and context of sentence.
Delegate processing to memory for answering questions
identifies emotions and associates them to self actualization, state and sense of environment
apply emotions to the inference of subscribing modules.
- should be subscribed to emotion module if it exists.
should keep detailed memories about nouns to consult for later decision making etc.
stores questions and answers and refers to them when processing input
in addition to answering question possibly from memory object fact table, it should also refer to it's own fingerprint
± % ./stream !10415
What is your name?
Agent: My name is agent infer
What is your job?
Agent: My job is a analyst
How old are you?
Agent: I am 23
Are you married?
Agent: I am single and happy