Seeprom is an Arduino library for interfacing to small electrically erasable programmable read-only memories (e.g. the 24Cxx series) on the I2C bus.
The EEPROM must be connected to Arduino by considering the following configuration.
EEPROM | Arduino |
pin 1 [GND] | GND |
pin 2 [Vcc] | 5v |
pin 3 [SDA] | Analog pin 4 |
pin 4 [SCL] | Analog pin 5 |
pin 5 [WP] | GND (to not hardware protect data) |
pin 6 [A0] | GND |
pin 7 [A1] | GND |
pin 8 [A2] | GND |
Seeprom(byte devaddr, unsigned length)
void writeByte(int epaddr, byte data)
void writePage(int epaddr, const byte * data, byte length)
int readByte(int epaddr)
int readBuffer(int epaddr, byte * buffer, byte length)
void dump(int epaddr)
void writeInt(int epaddr, int int16)
int readInt(int epaddr)
void writeLong(int epaddr, long long32)
long readLong(int epaddr)
void clearPage(int epaddr)
void clearAll()
#include <Seeprom.h>
const byte DEVADDR = 0x50; //Address of the EEPROM
Seeprom eeprom(DEVADDR, 2048); //create the eeprom object
value = eeprom.readInt(0); //Read integer from EEPROM at address 0x00
eeprom.writeInt(0,value+2); //Write integer value+2 at the same address