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Sampling for Neural Network

Nicolay Rusnachenko edited this page Dec 29, 2024 · 13 revisions

Update 11/11/2024: The code for this tutorial since the AREkit-0.25.1 at 📦 arekit-contrib-networks

In this tutorial we provide a list of steps required to prepare samples with text opinions for neural networks like convolutional or recurrent one.

Code implementation

NOTE: This documentation page represents an updated version of the "Process Mass-Media relations for Language Models with AREkit" ; in the prior one we describe sampling process from scratch and under older API version AREkit-0.22.0.

Sampler Initialization

First, it is necessary to declare labels expected to adopted in further samples preparation process. In this post we focused on sentiment-related data sampling and therefore considering the following set of labels: Positive, Negative and additionally neutral, type of NoLabel which AREkit provides by default.

class Positive(Label):

class Negative(Label):

Next step, we declare label scaler. Scaler (BaseLabelScaler class) allows us to provide conversion from Label type to int/uint values and vice versa. We declare Sentiment scaller as follows:

NOTE: adopt CustomSentimentLabelScaler which is nested from the SentimentLabelScaler since the latter provides labels inversion invert_label required for frames (role label scaler); as an another solution is to provide a diffrent label scalers, however within this tutorial it was decide to adopt a single label scaler.

class CustomSentimentLabelScaler(SentimentLabelScaler):
    def __init__(self):
        int_to_label = OrderedDict([(NoLabel(), 0), (Positive(), 1), (Negative(), -1)])
        uint_to_label = OrderedDict([(NoLabel(), 0), (Positive(), 1), (Negative(), 2)])
        super(SentimentLabelScaler, self).__init__(int_dict=int_to_label, uint_dict=uint_to_label)

    def invert_label(self, label):
        int_label = self.label_to_int(label)
        return self.int_to_label(-int_label)

For such conventional neural networks as Convolutional NN's, Recurrent NN's, it is expected that we manually provide input vectors (embeddings), including vocabulary of the supported words. Therefore there is a need at first initialize the auxilary structures in order to then adopt them in sampler initialization.

stemmer = MystemWrapper()
embedding = load_embedding_news_mystem_skipgram_1000_20_2015(stemmer)

Network serialization context -- is a structure of the data required during sampling. This structure covers such further neural network features as:

  • Part-of-Speech tagging
  • Frames annotations
  • Frames connotations

In terms of frames connotations, we are kindly refer to our another wiki page Frame Variants and Connotation Providers in which we cover frame-based providers (Russian resource based only).

ctx = NetworkSerializationContext(

Vectorizers -- algorithms of the vectors generation for text terms of any type. AREkit provides the set of the following text tokens: word, entity, frame, token (punctuation sign, numbers, URL-links). For each token type, it is possible to provide a custom vectorizer.

bpe_vectorizer = BPEVectorizer(embedding=embedding, max_part_size=3)
norm_vectorizer = RandomNormalVectorizer(vector_size=embedding.VectorSize, 
vectorizers = {
    TermTypes.WORD: bpe_vectorizer,
    TermTypes.ENTITY: bpe_vectorizer,
    TermTypes.FRAME: bpe_vectorizer,
    TermTypes.TOKEN: norm_vectorizer

Initialize information related to the samples format and output directory/path. As for format, there is a need to declare a type inherited from the BaseWriter. By default, AREkit provides TsvWriter -- is a CSV-style formatter.

Side note: Tilte prefix tsv comes from the format proposed by google-BERT.

writer = TsvWriter(write_header=True)
samples_io = SamplesIO("out/", writer, target_extension=".tsv.gz")

Besides the samples itself, it is necessary to provide the formatting for embedding and vocabulary related data. By defualt, AREkit provides numpy-based and text encoders for storing embedding and vocabulary respectively. NpEmbeddingIO provides such functionality, and therefore formatting based on the capabilities of the latter might be initialized as follows:

embedding_io = NpEmbeddingIO(target_dir="out/")

And now, we are finally ready to compose our serializer! The latter represents a pipeline item, -- is an object which might be embedded into AREkit pipelines.

NOTE: In a snippet below there is a need to declare formatter for mentioned named entities (str_entities_fmt parameter). In our blog we have a separated topic and wiki page Entity Values Formatting Examples; in this example we adopt SimpleUppercasedEntityFormatter by default.

pipeline_item = NetworksInputSerializerPipelineItem(
    vectorizers, samples_io, embedding_io,
    balance_func=lambda data_type: data_type == DataType.Train,
    save_labels_func=lambda data_type: data_type != DataType.Test,

Running Sampler

Code implementation

Please refer to the following posts in order to initialize your text opinion annotation pipeline (annot_pipeline) and setup Data Folding (data_folding):

Finally, we can compose pipeline by wrapping a predefined pipeline_item and then run it! This could be accomplished as follows:

pipeline = BasePipeline([
                 "data_folding": data_folding,
                 "data_type_pipelines": annot_pipeline 

Finally our result is a content of the out directory. The contents depend on Data Folding format. For example, in case of the fixed folding onto Train and Test data types, it is expected to see the following set of contents:
