This Python scripts will create (and/or remove) cloud instances on SoftLayer.
You will need to edit the softlayer_config.json file as following.
- UserName: Your SoftLayer login ID. (For example, "JohnDoe")
- APIKey: Your SoftLayer APIKey. (For example, "123mknoi290S789390430952")
- DataCenter: SoftLayer datacenter you want to use. (For example, "sjc01")
- Domain: Domain name to use. (For example, "")
- NumberOfServer: Number of server(s) you want to spin up. (For example, 2)
- CPUs: Number of CPU(s) to use for the server. (For example, 1)
- Memory: Amount of memory to have. (For example, 1024)
- OSCode: OS to use. (For example, "CENTOS_6_64")
- HostNamePrefix: Prefix to be used when creating hostname for the server(s). (For example, "ACME_WWW-")
- SSHKeys: List of ID(s) of SSH key(s) to be used. (For example, [12345, 23345])
- HourlyBilling: True if you want the server to be billed for hourly. (For example, "True")
- LocalDisk: True if you want to use local disk. (For example, "True")
- PostProvisionScript: URL of script that will run after the server has been provisioned. (For example, "")
- Creates cloud instances on SoftLayer.
- It uses "PostProvisonScript" to perform required installations and configurations. Refer to for more information on PostProvisionScript.
- After the script is completed it will provide complete command line to use to clean up (terminate) the instances created by this script.
- Cleans up (terminate) instances created by the "" script.