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vCard plugin for Craft CMS 5.x

vCard generator plugin for Craft CMS 5


This plugin requires Craft CMS 5.0.0 or later.


To install the plugin, follow these instructions.

  1. Open your terminal and go to your Craft project:

     cd /path/to/project
  2. Then tell Composer to load the plugin:

     composer require nfourtythree/vcard
  3. In the Control Panel, go to Settings → Plugins and click the “Install” button for vCard.

vCard Overview

This plugin generates a link to download a vCard from data you specify

Configuring vCard

There is only one setting for this plugin which is salt this is a string used for salting the encoded data when generating the vCard link.

This can be set by creating a vcard.php config file in the config/ directory. Below is an example of the config file:


return [
    'salt' => 'your-salt-here'

Using vCard

The only thing that is really required is first name. Everything else is optional


There is a link variable available for usage in templates

{% set options = {
  firstName: "Johnny",
  lastName: "Appleseed",
  additional: "Jim",
  prefix: "Mr",
  suffix: "Esq",
  company: "Apple Inc.",
  jobTitle: "Data Demo",
  email: [{ address: "[email protected]", type: "WORK" }, "[email protected]"],
  url: "",
  phoneNumber: ["+1 234 567 89", { number: "+9 876 543 21"}],
  photo: "",
  address: [{
      name: "Apple",
      extended: "Suite 1",
      street: "1 Infinte Loop",
      city: "Cupertino",
      region: "CA",
      zip: "95014",
      country: "USA",
      type: "WORK;PARCEL;POSTAL"
      street: "1 Yemen Road",
      zip: "1234",
      country: "Yemen",
      type: "HOME;POSTAL"
  note: "Hi there",
  role: "Web Developer",
} %}

<a href="{{ }}">Download my vCard</a>


Name Type Example
firstName String Johnny
lastName String Appleseed
additional String Jim (commonly a middle name)
prefix String Mr
suffix String Esq
company String Apple Inc
jobTitle String Demo Data Guru
email String/Array See email docs
url String/Array See url docs
address String/Array See address docs
phoneNumber String/Array See phoneNumber docs
birthday String 1985-10-26 (YYYY-MM-DD format)
note String Johnny is amazing
photo String (Url to image)


This can be specified as either a string [email protected] or an array (or even a mix!)

Name Type Example
address String [email protected]
type String type may be PREF, WORK, HOME or any combination of these: e.g. "PREF;WORK". This is not required
  email: {
    address: "[email protected]",
    type: "WORK"

  // For multiple email addresses
  email: [{
      address: "[email protected]",
      type: "WORK"
      address: "[email protected]",
      type: "PREF;HOME"

  // Mix and match example
  email: ["[email protected]", {
      address: "[email protected]",
      type: "PREF;HOME"


This can be specified as either a string or an array (or even a mix!)

Name Type Example
address String
type String type may be WORK, HOME This is not required
  url: {
    address: "",
    type: "WORK"

  // For multiple urls
  url: [{
      address: "",
      type: "WORK"
      address: "",
      type: "HOME"

  // Mix and match example
  url: ["", {
      address: "",
      type: "HOME"


This can be specified as either a string +1 234 567 89 or an array (or even a mix!)

Name Type Example
number String +1 234 567 89
type String Type may be PREF, WORK, HOME, VOICE, FAX, MSG, CELL, PAGER, BBS, CAR, MODEM, ISDN, VIDEO or any sensible combination, e.g. "PREF;WORK;VOICE"
  phoneNumber: {
    number: "+1 234 567 89",
    type: "PREF;WORK;VOICE"

  // For multiple phoneNumbers
  phoneNumber: [{
      number: "+1 234 567 89",
      type: "WORK"
      number: "+9 876 543 21",
      type: "PREF;HOME"

  // Mix and match example
  phoneNumber: ["+1 234 567 89", {
      number: "+9 876 543 21",
      type: "HOME"


This can be either a single or multi array

Name Type Example
name String Apple
extended String Suite 1
street String 1 Infinite Loop
city String Cupertino
region String CA
zip String 95014
country String USA
type String type may be DOM, INTL, POSTAL, PARCEL, HOME, WORK or any combination of these: e.g. "WORK;PARCEL;POSTAL"
  address: {
    name: "Apple",
    extended: "Suite 1",
    street: "1 Infinte Loop",
    city: "Cupertino",
    region: "CA",
    zip: "95014",
    country: "USA",

  // For multiple addresses
  address: [{
      name: "Apple",
      extended: "Suite 1",
      street: "1 Infinte Loop",
      city: "Cupertino",
      region: "CA",
      zip: "95014",
      country: "USA",
      type: "WORK;PARCEL;POSTAL"
      street: "1 Yemen Road",
      zip: "1234",
      country: "Yemen",
      type: "HOME;POSTAL"


  • Clean up / refactor code to tidy code that was done quickly

Brought to you by Nathaniel Hammond (nfourtythree)

Thanks to