Releases: neuvector/neuvector-helm
Release 2.8.3
What's Changed
- fix: NVSHAS-9624 rewrite gh-page publish flow by @holyspectral in #455
- fix: NVSHAS-8682 remove misplaced resc from crds by @holyspectral in #453
- Bump version for 2.8.3 by @holyspectral in #459
- fix: update compliance-config tag by @holyspectral in #460
Known issues
In 2.8.3 chart release, we move a previously mislocated resource from crds to core. If you use both crds and core charts, you might see issues during upgrade if you deploy core first.
To resolve this, upgrade crds first and then core charts.
Full Changelog: 2.8.2...v2.8.3
Release 2.8.2
What's Changed
- NVSHAS-9451: support separate network mode and Process and File mode in CRD (helm) by @williamlin-suse in #443
- feat: add CODEOWNERS by @holyspectral in #449
- fix: NVSHAS-9546 make scanner not load cert by @holyspectral in #450
- fix: NVSHAS-9546 make scanner not load cert by @holyspectral in #451
- feat: increment version to 2.8.2 by @holyspectral in #452
New Contributors
- @williamlin-suse made their first contribution in #443
Full Changelog: 2.8.0...2.8.2
Release 2.8.0
What's Changed
- Fix an issue where cert-upgrader pod created by cronjob has no effect by @holyspectral in #424
- Adding support for CTRL_SEARCH_REGISTRIES env variable NVSHAS-9255 by @venkateshjayagopal in #426
- Removed Heritage by @holyspectral in #429
- feat: NVSHAS-9382 allow providing TLS certificates by @holyspectral in #427
- prime compliance support by @selvamt94 in #431
- update bootstrap support by @selvamt94 in #438
- Merge 5.4 changes to master by @holyspectral in #437
- Bump version up for helm charts 2.8.0 release by @holyspectral in #439
Full Changelog: 2.7.9...2.8.0
Release 2.7.9
What's Changed
- NVSHAS-9276 do not log jwt token by @holyspectral in #421
- added edge support in schema json for openshift routes by @vtrenton in #420
- Add probes on manager by @NeuronAddict in #342
- bug: Remove duplicate volumeMounts keys from registry-adapter deployment by @sleepy in #397
- fix: volumeMounts for both internl and SSL by @holyspectral in #423
- Bump version up for helm 2.7.9 release by @holyspectral in #436
New Contributors
Full Changelog: 2.7.8...2.7.9
Release 2.7.8
NVSHAS-9187 NeuVector LoadBalancer is not reachable #418 by venkateshjayagopal
Update charts\core\templates\crd.yaml for NVSHAS-9121 #414 by esther-suse
Update crd.yaml for NVSHAS-9121 #413 by esther-suse
added fedinitcfg.yaml to values.yaml #412 by esther-suse
Add sources to core chart metadata #407 by lindhe
Release 2.7.7
What's Changed
- Switch to using images tags instead of digests for azure by @guangyee in #385
- chore: add appProtocol to exporter svc by @mjnagel in #389
- NVSHAS-8932: Add resource variable to updater cronjob by @becitsthere in #391
- Fixing internal certificate issue where secret name is null by default by @clemenko in #393
- Updating resource location for cronjob by @selvamt94 in #394
- Add integer type as valid for aws.accountNumber by @bear454 in #396
- Bump from 0.17.0 to 0.23.0 in /test by @dependabot in #392
- Bump up registry-adapter to version v0.1.2 by @becitsthere in #401
- Reversioning the monitor app version to 1-1.0.0 by @becitsthere in #402
- NVSHAS-8994: Add appProtocol in service specification by @becitsthere in #404
- Bump version up for 5.3.3 release by @becitsthere in #406
- added topologySpreadConstraints to controller, manager, and scanner by @olegvorobiov in #405
New Contributors
- @guangyee made their first contribution in #385
- @olegvorobiov made their first contribution in #405
Full Changelog: 2.7.6...2.7.7
Release 2.7.6
What's Changed
- Bump up version for 5.3.2 release by @becitsthere in #388
Full Changelog: 2.7.5...2.7.6
Release 2.7.5
Rollback product version to 5.3.0
Release 2.7.4
What's Changed
- Fix for custom certificate NVSHAS-8713 by @selvamt94 in #373
- NVSHAS-8682: Remove service definition in CRD chart by @becitsthere in #378
- feat: Specify annotations for the non-default service account by @alexstojda in #375
- NVSHAS-8702: support autoGenerateCert as string by @holyspectral in #371
- Update to include Rancher installation link by @skywalke34 in #380
- Revert "NVSHAS-8682: Remove service definition in CRD chart" by @becitsthere in #381
- Add JSON schema for values.yaml. by @bear454 in #376
- Bump from 1.28.1 to 1.33.0 by @becitsthere in #382
- Add JSON schema for core's values.yaml by @becitsthere in #383
- Change certificate default value by @nnewc in #369
- add nodeport value by @nnewc in #370
- feat: add support for monitor chart securityContext and labels by @mjnagel in #355
- Add functionality to specify loadbalancerip for federation multi-cluster services by @reespozzi in #340
- Bump up version to 2.7.4 for 5.3.1 release by @becitsthere in #386
New Contributors
- @alexstojda made their first contribution in #375
- @skywalke34 made their first contribution in #380
- @bear454 made their first contribution in #376
- @nnewc made their first contribution in #369
- @reespozzi made their first contribution in #340
Full Changelog: 2.7.3...2.7.4
Release 2.7.3
What's Changed
- Update registry-adapter-secret.yaml by @clemenko in #364
- Adding labels to secret. by @selvamt94 in #367
- Bump up chart version to 2.7.3 by @becitsthere in #368
Full Changelog: 2.7.2...2.7.3