You need to create a Github account and for each assignment, you need to create a repository. Note: your repositories will be public unless you request a private one
Create a new repository. Make it private if you can... github will give out a free Micro account that can create 5 private repos with new student accounts.
Create a branch of your repository for the homework.
Change to the local branch of the same branch name as what was created in Github earlier
Create/Add any homework files to the local branch/directory
Create a pull request from your created branch to master for the code you'd like to turn in by clicking the Compare & pull request button
On the right hand sign of the "Open a Pull Request" screen, select the Assignee gear, and assign MIDS-W205 to the issue.
Your instructor can now view the pull request and grade the assignment. Please do not merge the pull request.
Once your instructor has graded the assignment, your pull request is merged as a final notification.
You can now delete the branch as the changes have been merged with the master.